This page is a translated version of the page Snap and the translation is 8% complete.
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Genel Bakış

To use Snaps you to install and configure the Snap Daemon. It is available in the Manjaro repos as snapd, with libpamac-snap-plugin and can be installed with your favorite package manager or using the command

user $ pamac install snapd libpamac-snap-plugin COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Once installed, you need to enable snapd using the command:

user $ sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket COPY TO CLIPBOARD

If you also want support for classic snaps you can use the command:

user $ sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap COPY TO CLIPBOARD



Once installed you can run Discover and you will be able to browse and install Snaps with a familiar store interface.

Discover can also install and update software from the Manjaro repos if you install the package packagekit-qt5



Once installed you can run Software and you will be able to browse and install Snaps with a familiar store interface.

Gnome Software can also install and update software from the Manjaro repos










