Manjaro Manjaro-tools


From Manjaro
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manjaro-tools is a replacement for devtools and manjaroiso. A user manual is available at github.


manjaro-tools can be configured via editing /etc/manjaro-tools/manjaro-tools.conf


These are the new names for renamed scripts.

  • mkmanjaroroot --> mkchroot
  • manjarobuild --> buildpkg
  • pacstrap --> basestrap
  • genfstab --> fstabgen
  • arch-chroot --> manjaro-chroot



mkset is used to create build lists. Build lists can be defined in /etc/manjaro-tools/sets/<buildlistname>.set

To create a build list, one can run in the pkgbuilds dir:

mkset -c <name>

This will create a build list containing all directories with PKGBUILDs in them. This generated list can be then edited, like packages can be removed.

For example, in a git clone of

$ ls 
consolekit/                  manjaro-tools-git/           openrc-net/
eudev/                       manjaro-tools-git-devel/     openrc-systemdcompat/
eudev-systemdcompat/         manjaro-tools-iso-profiles/  openrc-video/
kde-servicemenus-pkg-tools/  manjaro-tools-livecd/        packages/
keyboardctl-openrc/          networkmanager-openrc/       pkgbuilds-review/
kf5-servicemenus-pkg-tools/  openrc-aur/                  polkit-consolekit/
lib32-eudev/                 openrc-base/                 sddm-consolekit/
lib32-eudev-systemdcompat/   openrc-core/                 sysvinit/
lxqt-lightdm-greeter/        openrc-desktop/              upower-pm-utils/
manjaro-openrc/              openrc-devel/      
manjaro-tools/               openrc-misc/

Running mkset -c openrc does

$ mkset -c openrc
==> Creating [/openrc.set] ...
 -> Adding consolekit
 -> Adding eudev
 -> Adding eudev-systemdcompat
 -> Adding kde-servicemenus-pkg-tools
 -> Adding kf5-servicemenus-pkg-tools
 -> Adding lib32-eudev
 -> Adding lib32-eudev-systemdcompat
 -> Adding lxqt-lightdm-greeter
 -> Adding manjaro-openrc
 -> Adding manjaro-tools
 -> Adding manjaro-tools-git
 -> Adding manjaro-tools-git-devel
 -> Adding manjaro-tools-iso-profiles
 -> Adding manjaro-tools-livecd
 -> Adding networkmanager-openrc
 -> Adding openrc-aur
 -> Adding openrc-base
 -> Adding openrc-core
 -> Adding openrc-desktop
 -> Adding openrc-devel
 -> Adding openrc-misc
 -> Adding openrc-net
 -> Adding openrc-systemdcompat
 -> Adding openrc-video
 -> Adding polkit-consolekit
 -> Adding sddm-consolekit
 -> Adding sysvinit
 -> Adding upower-pm-utils

The set name should be different from a directory name in pkgbuilds dir. Anything else should work, eg adding a date to the name.


buildpkg is used to build a particular package or a set. The help looks like the following for i686

$ buildpkg -h
Usage: buildpkg [options] [--] [makepkg args]
   -p <profile>       Set profile or pkg [default: default]
   -a <arch>          Set arch  [default: i686]
   -b <branch>        Set branch [default: stable]
   -r <dir>           Chroots directory [default: /srv/manjarobuild]
   -c                 Recreate chroot
   -w                 Clean up
   -n                 Install and run namcap check
   -s                 Sign packages
   -q                 Query settings and pretend build
   -h                 This help

To build a single package, go into the directory which is one above the package build directory (which contains the PKGBUILD), and run it as:

buildpkg -p <package-name>

For example,

$ ls
consolekit                  manjaro-tools          openrc-video
eudev                       networkmanager-openrc  packages
eudev-systemdcompat         openrc-aur             polkit-consolekit
kde-servicemenus-pkg-tools  openrc-base  
keyboardctl-openrc          openrc-core            sddm-consolekit
kf5-servicemenus-pkg-tools  openrc-desktop         sysvinit
lib32-eudev                 openrc-devel           upower-pm-utils
lib32-eudev-systemdcompat   openrc-misc
manjaro-openrc              openrc-net
$ buildpkg -pv upower-pm-utils
==> manjaro-tools
 -> version:
 -> manjaro_tools_conf: /etc/manjaro-tools/manjaro-tools.conf
 -> arch: i686
 -> branch: stable
 -> chroots: /srv/manjarobuild
==> ARGS:
 -> mkchrootpkg_args: -r /srv/manjarobuild/stable/i686
 -> makepkg_args: 
 -> clean_first: false
 -> wipe_clean: false
 -> namcap: false
 -> sign: false
==> PATHS:
 -> chrootdir: /srv/manjarobuild/stable/i686
 -> profiledir: /etc/manjaro-tools/sets
 -> pkg_dir: /var/cache/manjaro-tools/stable/i686
 -> pacman_conf: /usr/share/manjaro-tools/pacman-default.conf
 -> makepkg_conf: /usr/share/manjaro-tools/makepkg-i686.conf
 -> mirrors_conf: /usr/share/manjaro-tools/pacman-mirrors-stable.conf
 -> blacklist_trigger: eudev lib32-eudev upower-pm-utils eudev-systemdcompat lib32-eudev-systemdcompat
 -> blacklist: libsystemd
==> SETS:
 -> profiles: default
 -> profile: upower-pm-utils
 -> is_profile: false
==> Build queue:
 -> upower-pm-utils
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