Manjaro Set all Qt app's to use GTK+ font & theme settings

Set all Qt app's to use GTK+ font & theme settings

From Manjaro
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When using a Desktop Environment or Window Manager that doesn't allow for the settings of QT themes, you can set QT to use your GTK themes instead.

Using qt5ct

In some Manjaro editions, this is already done for you by default

Install qt5ct using your favorite package manager or the command:

user $ pamac install qt5ct COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Set environment variables in ~/.profile by adding or updating the following lines:


Add the following line to ~/.bash_profile if it does not already exist:

[[ -f ~/.profile ]] && . ~/.profile

Reboot the computer (or logout and re-login)

Run the application QT5 Configuration Manager from the menu or run the command qt5ct.

Logout and login again to make the change effective

See Also

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