Manjaro Difference between revisions of "Translations:Basic Tips for conky/6/en"

Difference between revisions of "Translations:Basic Tips for conky/6/en"

From Manjaro
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Latest revision as of 12:25, 6 December 2020

The default configuration file is located in /usr/share/doc/conky-1.11.5_pre/conky.conf where version are subject to change. Conky do not create a local conky folder so you will have to create beforehand

user $ mkdir -p ~/.config/conky COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Then copy the default to home

user $ cp /usr/share/doc/conky-1.11.5_pre/conky.conf ~/.config/conky/conky.conkyrc COPY TO CLIPBOARD

The configuation file is a simple text file and the content written using [syntax] and is split into two parts

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