Manjaro Difference between revisions of "Compiz and Emerald"

Difference between revisions of "Compiz and Emerald"

From Manjaro
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The workspace settings of the Compiz Configuration Manager can be found by first going to General Options, and then selecting the Desktop Size tab.
As illustrated, the horizontal virtual size setting is 3. This means that there are three virtual desktops sitting side by side. This matches both the number and position of the three virtual desktops set in the XFCE desktop, as shown in the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. You can click on the image to enlarge it to see this; there are three squares next to the clock. T
The remaining two options can just be set to 1, as they will multiply the number of desktops (e.g. if the vertical desktop size was set to 2, then the total number of desktops would be 6 in this instance: 3 * 2 = 6)

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