Difference between revisions of "Help:Template"

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(Help:Template page)
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You can utilize different boxtypes setting both the header and the content
You can utilize different boxtypes setting both the header and the content

{{BoxPrimary|Header|This is a BoxPrimary template}}
{{BoxPrimary|Header|This is a BoxPrimary template}}{{BoxSecondary|Header|This is a BoxSecondary template}}{{BoxInfo|Header|This is a BoxInfo template}}{{BoxSuccess|Header|This is a BoxSuccess template}}{{BoxWarning|Header|This is a BoxWarning template}}{{BoxDanger|Header|This is a BoxDanger template}}{{BoxLight|Header|This is a BoxLight template}}{{BoxDark|Header|This is a BoxDark template}}
{{BoxSecondary|Header|This is a BoxSecondary template}}
{{BoxInfo|Header|This is a BoxInfo template}}
{{BoxSuccess|Header|This is a BoxSuccess template}}
{{BoxWarning|Header|This is a BoxWarning template}}
{{BoxDanger|Header|This is a BoxDanger template}}
{{BoxLight|Header|This is a BoxLight template}}
{{BoxDark|Header|This is a BoxDark template}}
Moderators, translator
