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Discussion page of User:K2latmanesh
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Hello K2latmanesh.<br>
Hello Again Dear Argon,
Do you use manjaro?<br>
Yes, Manjaro is my main Linux distribution for about three months now. I've also tried Ubuntu, Xubuntu, and Linuxmint before. I'm now using Manjaro with Xfce desktop environment and Xfwm4 as my window manager. I became interested in Xfce while using Xubuntu which is simply an Ubuntu with Xfce desktop. I also like KDE, but my system is not such fast or powerful to use KDE.
If you do not use Manjaro, which distribution do you use with which desktop or Windows manager?<br>
I personally use ext4 as my filesystem, maybe because It's the default one and I don't have such knowledge about other filesystems. I'm using the stable branch as I wanted something to work flawlessly, but I'm also eager to explore different types and play with them, not just in branches, but also in distros, too.
No, I don't use snaps myself, but I agree with the philosophy behind it, because I think we need a cross-distribution package manager, so developers can upgrade their packages easier and more often. However I assume Snaps have a long way to be the ideal choice. About flatpaks I have to say that I don't care so much! I try to choose the thing that does the job and no matter if It's a flatpak, pacman or dpkg. (This may sometimes be true about Snaps, too.)
If yes:<br>
I also use the default terminal on Manjaro Xfce which is xfce4-terminal with bash shell.
Which desktop or Windows manager do you use?<br>
I again add that if you want to talk to me easier, I'm available on [ Telegram] & [ Matrix]
Are you using xorg or wayland?<br>
Which file system do you use?<br>
* ext4<br>
* btrfs<br>
* xfs<br>
* zfs<br>
Which branch of manjaro do you use?<br>
* stable<br>
* testing<br>
* unstable<br>
Do you use snap?<br>
Do you use a flatpak?<br>
Which terminal shell do you use?<br>
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