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: ''How to create two or three partition schemes to install Manjaro''.
: ''How to create two or three partition schemes to install Manjaro''.

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= Manjaro 0.8.3 Installation Guides =
{{Tip|It is recommended for most users - beginners and experienced alike - to use the '''Stable Installer''' for the best results. The ''Testing Installer'' is aimed at more experienced users, and provides additional features such as support for the ''Unified Extensible Firmware Interface'' ('''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Extensible_Firmware_Interface EFI]'''), ''B-tree file system'' ('''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Btrfs btrfs]'''), and ''Redundant Array of Independent Disks'' ('''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAID RAID]''') storage system.}}
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* [[Installation Guide for Beginners 0.8.3|Installation Guide for Beginners]]
: ''A simple guide where no technical knowledge or expertise is required''.
* [[Installation Guide for Experienced Users 0.8.3|Installation Guide for Experienced Users]]
: ''Manually partition your hard disk and edit the necessary configuration files''.
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* [[Installation Guide for the NET Edition 0.8.3|Installation Guide for the NET Edition]]
: ''Build your own Manjaro system from the ground up!''
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