
Revision as of 21:24, 9 March 2022 by Len (talk | contribs)
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This wiki will be the first port of call of many thousands of Manjaro users, both new and old, inexperienced and experienced. It is also a reflection of the Manjaro Team and Community as a whole, helping to form first impressions and ultimately factoring in to whether potential users will try Manjaro, and whether existing users will stick with it. As such, the wiki is an important aspect of the Manjaro distribution, and the contribution of articles to it is not to be taken lightly. To help out contributors, as few basic rules have been provided.


为申请一个 Manjaro Wiki 的账户,可发送一封电子邮件到 我们的支持


  • 用平实的的语言编写
  • 提供示例
  • 提供简要的说明
  • 将复杂的指南分解为简单的步骤
  • 尽可能使用屏幕截图
  • 谨记,该 Wiki 是专门为新手准备的
  • 尽量使你的文章的与其他的文章的总体布局和格式保持一致
  • 在创建新文章前,请先检查可以添加到其中的现有内容
  • 尽量链接到现有的内容,而不是复制内容
  • 别着急 - 质量要比数量重要


  • Rip off other wikis or articles - EVER - even if your work is based on them. There's always a way to improve and elaborate
  • Create articles that only link to other wikis and/or articles. The article itself must be substantive and provide a good foundation for new users to start with.
  • Copy articles and use them as a basis to create new articles with overlapping contents
  • Write lazy, slap-dash crap. It helps no-one and reflects badly on all concerned, including those who have put in a lot of hard work. This includes not putting personal opinion as fact.
  • Get possessive over your content. This is a collaborative effort, and others are entitled to make tweaks and changes here and there, just as you are.
  • Delete content without first contacting the Wiki Admin for permission.
  • Undertake any major revisions or re-structuring without first contacting the Wiki Admin for permission.
  • Write insulting, derogatory, or libelous claims against other organisations or people
  • Submit copyrighted content