System Maintenance

Revision as of 21:18, 27 May 2019 by imported>Dalto (Revamp and merge content from Orphan Package Removal)


This article contains tips and best practices for keeping your system in optimal condition.

Keeping your System Updated

On a rolling release distribution it is essential to keep your system fully updated. Manjaro provides a few ways to keep your system updated.

  • You can use the GUI tool Pamac directly or via the update notifier
  • You can use the GUI tool Octopi directly or via the update notifier
  • You can use the Pamac CLI
  • You can use the Pacman CLI

Avoiding Partial Updates

Partial updates are not supported under any circumstances

It is of critical importance to ensure you don't end up in a state where your system is partially upgraded. It is not uncommon for systems in partially updated state to end up in a critical failure state. Here are some important rules to help you avoid this dangerous situation.

  • Always ensure your system is fully up-to-date before installing software.
  • Don't downgrade packages, this will always result in a partial update scenario.
  • Avoid using pacman -Sy or pacman -Syy. Instead update your database and packages at the same time with pacman -Syu or pacman -Syyu
  • Don't add packages to pacman's or pamac's ignore list.
  • If you just want to check to see what updates are available use the command checkupdates. It provides a safe way to check for upgrades to installed packages without running a system update at the same time.
  • When switching branches or switching mirrors always use pamac update --force-refresh or pacman -Syyu to ensure that the databases for your new mirrors are being used.

Removing Orphans

As packages are added, built and removed it is not uncommon to have unneeded dependencies, also called orphans, building up over time. While orphans are not harmful, they take up space on the disk and consume network bandwidth as they are continually updated. Luckily, there are a couple of easy ways to view and remove orphans.

The Pamac article has a section on dealing with orphans. A simple command to locate and remove orphans is:

pamac remove -o

You can also use Pacman to remove orphans as described in this guide

See Also