Translations:"What should I be aware of if I'm not on an LTS kernel?"/1/fa

Revision as of 09:01, 28 February 2022 by K2latmanesh (talk | contribs)

اگر از کِرنِلی با پشتیبانی بلندمدّت استفاده نمی‌کنم، حواسم باید به چه چیز هایی باشد؟

  • کِرنِل های «پایدار» و «نامزد انتشار» (آرسی) کِرنِل های تحت توسعه می‌باشند
  • They have the newest, shiniest features but are not as rock-solid as LTS kernels :man_shrugging:
  • These kernels become End of Life (EOL) much quicker than LTS kernels, so you should keep an eye on:

1. The Manjaro #announcements OR 2. لینوس توروالذز kernel page to know when your shiny new genie will go "poof" back into its bottle. 🧞 🪔

  • If you're on a RC kernel, update frequently and stay on that kernel once it becomes stable
  • If you're on a Stable kernel, install a higher version Stable kernel the moment it gets releases as Stable (so don't jump on the RC kernel bandwagon: these are less stable than what you've got already)
  • Shut down or reboot your machine at least once per day. (Like Windows: that's as unstable as a RC Linux kernel) 😂
  • مانجارو از معدود توزیع هایی است که از کِرنِل های پایدار و آرسی پشتیبانی می‌کند so live with a bit of frustration if things go a bit wonky every now and then and certainly don't install Ubuntu or Mint or RHEL as they will just not support any of this.