Manjaro Manjaro-tools


From Manjaro
Revision as of 09:01, 31 October 2018 by imported>Fhdk (→‎Building)


manjaro-tools consists of a lot of different tools aimed at Manjaro developers. It is splitted into 3 different packages:

  • manjaro-tools-base contains basic tools, different chroot tools, and buildset
  • manjaro-tools-pkg contains small helper tools, buildpkg, and buildtree
  • manjaro-tools-iso contains small helper tools and buildiso

All of these manjaro-tools packages are replacements for devtools and manjaroiso.

A detailed user manual is available at github.


manjaro-tools can be configured by copying the folder /etc/manjaro-tools to your home in ~/.config folder and then edit the file ./config/manjaro-tools/manjaro-tools.conf


These are the new names for renamed scripts.

  • mkmanjaroroot --> mkchroot
  • manjarobuild --> buildpkg
  • mkset --> buildset
  • pacstrap --> basestrap
  • genfstab --> fstabgen
  • arch-chroot --> manjaro-chroot


buildset is used to create build lists. Build lists can be defined in /etc/manjaro-tools/sets/<buildlistname>.set

The help looks like the following:

$ buildset -h
Usage: buildset [options]
    -c <name>   Create set
    -r <name>   Remove set
    -s <name>   Show set
    -i          Iso mode
    -q          Query sets
    -h          This help

The set name should be different from a directory name in pkgbuilds dir. Anything else should work, eg adding a date to the name.


buildpkg is used to build a particular package or a set. In the following chapter all functions of buildpkg get explained.

If you want a detailed example how to use buildpkg to build packages for a local repository, please look here.

In some cases, the documentation of buildpkg's predecessor might be helpful: Devtools.

The help looks like the following:

Usage: buildpkg [options]
   -a <arch>          Arch [default: x86_64]
   -b <branch>        Branch [default: stable]
   -c                 Recreate chroot
   -h                 This help
   -i <pkg>           Install a package into the working copy of the chroot
   -n                 Install and run namcap check
   -p <pkg>           Build list or pkg [default: default]
   -q                 Query settings and pretend build
   -r <dir>           Chroots directory
                      [default: /var/lib/manjaro-tools/buildpkg]
   -s                 Sign packages
   -w                 Clean up cache and sources

To build a single package, go into the directory which is one above the package build directory (which contains the PKGBUILD), and run it as:

buildpkg -p <package-name>

To build a set the name of the set can be used. The current sets can be queried with the -q option.


buildtree is a little tools to sync arch abs and manjaro packages git repos.

The arguments are:

$ buildtree -h
Usage: buildtree [options]
    -s            Sync manjaro tree
    -a            Sync arch abs
    -c            Clean package tree
    -q            Query settings
    -h            This help[/code]

To sync Arch and Manjaro trees:

buildtree -as


buildiso is used to build a particular ISO or a set of ISOs. All functions of buildiso will be explained in the following chapters.

If you want a detailed guide how to use buildiso to build your own Manjaro ISOs from scatch, please look here.


The help looks like the following for x86_64:

$ buildiso -h
Usage: buildiso [options]
    -p <profile>       Buildset or profile [default: default]
    -a <arch>          Arch [default: x86_64]
    -b <branch>        Branch [default: stable]
    -r <dir>           Chroots directory
                       [default: /var/lib/manjaro-tools/buildiso]
    -c                 Disable clean work dir
    -x                 Clean xorg cache
    -l                 Clean lng cache
    -i                 Build images only
    -s                 Generate iso only
                       Requires pre built images (-i)
    -v                 Verbose output, show profies detail (-q)
    -q                 Query settings and pretend build
    -h                 This help

Query Building

To query build an ISO (-q option), for example the xfce-openbox-openrc profile, the following command can be used:

~ >>> buildiso -p xfce -qv                                                           
[sudo] password for fh: 
==> manjaro-tools
  -> version: 0.15.9
  -> config: ~/.config/manjaro-tools/manjaro-tools.conf
  -> build_lists: community|default|manjaro|sonar|v17-release
  -> build_list_iso: xfce
  -> is_build_list: false
  -> arch: x86_64
  -> branch: unstable
  -> kernel: linux419
==> ARGS:
  -> clean_first: true
  -> images_only: false
  -> iso_only: false
  -> persist: false
  -> dist_name: Manjaro
  -> dist_release: 18.0
  -> dist_codename: Illyria
  -> iso_label: MJRO180
  -> iso_compression: xz
 --> Profile: [xfce]
  -> iso_file: manjaro-xfce-18.0-unstable-minimal-x86_64.iso
  -> autologin: true
  -> nonfree_mhwd: true
  -> multilib: true
  -> extra: false
  -> netinstall: false
  -> chrootcfg: false
  -> geoip: true
  -> efi_boot_loader: grub
  -> hostname: manjaro
  -> username: manjaro
  -> password: manjaro
  -> login_shell: /bin/bash
  -> addgroups: lp,network,power,sys,wheel
  -> enable_systemd: avahi-daemon bluetooth cronie ModemManager NetworkManager org.cups.cupsd tlp tlp-sleep ufw lightdm
  -> enable_systemd_live: manjaro-live mhwd-live pacman-init mirrors-live
  -> disable_systemd: pacman-init


To actually build the ISO:

$ buildiso -p xfce -b stable

Building with predownloaded Xorg packages

To build an ISO while retaining the previously downloaded cache of Xorg packages, the -x option can be used:

$ buildiso -p xfce-openbox-openrc/ -b stable -x

Building with a small config change

It is to be verified if the procedure given below works or not.

Supposing something only changed in config, like a setting, instead of building the whole ISO from scratch, the ISO build directory can be modified and the ISO can be rebuilt. For example, supposing one changed xfce-overlay/etc/skel/.conkyrc in the config, one can go into the work directory, modify the said file, and rebuild the ISO using the -cs option.

The work directory can be found using the -q option:

$ buildiso -p xfce-openbox-openrc/ -q
==> manjaro-tools
 -> version:
 -> user_config: /home/aaditya/.config/manjaro-tools.conf
 -> buildsets: community|default|official|openrc
 -> buildset_iso: xfce-openbox-openrc/
 -> is_buildset: false
 -> arch: x86_64
 -> branch: unstable
 -> chroots_iso: /mnt/datalinux2/manjaro-tools/buildiso
--> Profile: [xfce-openbox-openrc/] ...
 -> Packages-Custom: Packages-Xfce
 -> initsys: openrc
 -> displaymanager: lxdm
 -> is_plymouth: false
 -> pacman_conf: pacman-multilib.conf
 -> work_dir: /mnt/datalinux2/manjaro-tools/buildiso/xfce-openbox-openrc//x86_64
 -> iso_file: manjaro-xfce-openrc-2015-03-01-x86_64.iso

(work directory highlighted in bold)

The required file can be edited as root, for example:

$ sudo nano /mnt/datalinux2/manjaro-tools/buildiso/xfce-openbox-openrc//x86_64/xfce-image/etc/skel/.conkyrc

There is a catch involved here though; the file one wants to edit may be present in multiple images, like root-image, livecd-image, and DE-image (eg, xfce-image), and would need to be edited in the respective image directories.

Then the ISO then can be rebuilt as:

$ buildiso -p xfce-openbox-openrc/ -cs


First only the chroot for the ISO could be created, using the -i option, then the changes can be made, and finally an ISO can be built with the -sc option.

For example:

$ buildiso -p xfce-openrc/ -b stable -i
==> Start building [xfce-openrc/]
--> Profile: [xfce-openrc/]
 -> Packages-Custom: Packages-Xfce
==> Cleaning up ...
==> Done [manjaro/iso/isolinux]
==> Creating [isomounts]
 -> Writing livecd entry ...
 -> Writing pkgs entry ...
 -> Writing xfce entry ...
 -> Writing root entry ...
==> Done creating [isomounts]
--> Time build_images: 4.28 minutes
==> WARNING: Continue compress: buildiso -p xfce-openrc/ -sc ...

After this the changes in the work directory can be made, and the ISO can be generated with:

$ buildiso -p xfce-openrc/ -sc

Further reading

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