Fstab - usar el montaje automático de SystemD
He encontrador una combinacíon de opciones para systemd (en el Archwiki [1]) que pueden utilizarse en el /etc/fstab al montar dispositivos de almacenamiento -- sean estos internos, externos. o recursos compartidos de red.
La magia (para mí) que estas opciones traen es que si un recurso compartido de red o un disco externo que está siento llamado via /etc/fstab no está presente, estas salvan tu maquina de colgarse por un minuto o dos durante el proceso de arranque.
A device called this way via /etc/fstab is mounted the first time data is attempted to be accessed from it. Only on this first mount is there any (minor) noticeable delay, when compared to having the device mounted the "old" way.A problem that this causes is that if I forget to comment out the NFS share(s) that I'm using from the /etc/fstab file, I have to wait for a minute or two during the boot process whilst the system repetitively tries to make a connection.
I attempted to get AutoFS [2]to work for me. I got close but I just wasn't allowed to see the files on the NFS NAS share.
So then I found the following extremely simple & effective solution. (Wish I had of done this one first, as it would have saved me a couple of hours of a loosing battle!)noauto,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.device-timeout=10
After I added the above to the following line in my fstab: /mnt/NAS-media-2 nfs noauto,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.device-timeout=10,timeo=14,hard,intr,noatime 0 0
I could boot Manjaro whilst the ReadyNAS' Cat-6 network cable was unplugged, & there was NO noticeable delay. After the system was booted, I plugged the cable in & then called the NFS share /media-2 in Worker & it read the drive & listed the contents.
UUID=<id.number> /home noauto,x-systemd.automount,ext4 defaults 0 1