Manjaro ویرایش اجتماع کاربری Awesome

ویرایش اجتماع کاربری Awesome

From Manjaro
Revision as of 19:02, 7 February 2022 by K2latmanesh (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[ ISO را از اینجا بارگیری] و نصب کنید:")
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This community edition is tailored to power users. Default configurations are such that the tools are friendly to newcomers.

شروع به کار

ISO را از اینجا بارگیری و نصب کنید:

  • On the LiveCD, the password is "manjaro".
  • The installer can be found on the menu on top left -> "System Tools" -> "Install Manjaro Linux".
  • There's a caveat when installing in VirtualBox.

If you're new to Awesome, a short tutorial can be found here.

Known issues

Screen resolution does not resize with VirtualBox

There's an issue with the video driver support for VirtualBox. In the virtual machine settings, under "Display", change the graphics controller to "VBoxVGA" before installing. If you do it after, this will result in a black screen.

Differences between Manjaro Xfce and Manjaro Awesome

Replaced applications:

  • xfwm4 → awesome
  • bash → zsh
  • lightdm-gtk-greeter → lightdm-slick-greeter
  • xfce4-terminal → lxterminal
  • qpdfview → zathura
  • viewnior → ristretto


Frank Kusters. I can be reached on the Manjaro forum.


Hat tip goes to Matti Hyttinen and Thanos Apostolou as previous maintainers.

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