Manjaro Шпаргалка


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Шпаргалка по командам Manjaro

Поиск и установка пакетов

Установка пакетов

user $ pamac install [PackageName] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Удаление пакетов

user $ pamac remove [PackageName] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Поиск пакета

user $ pamac search [PackageName] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Обновление установленных пакетов

user $ pamac upgrade COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Проверка обновлений

user $ pamac checkupdates COPY TO CLIPBOARD


Generates a random mirrorlist for the users and sort them by their current access time.
user $ sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Generate cache list

user $ du -sh ~/.cache/* COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Purge files not accessed in 100 days

user $ find ~/.cache/ -type f -atime +100 -delete COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Report journal current size

user $ journalctl --disk-usage COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Remove but recent entries by size or time

user $ journalctl --vacuum-size=50M COPY TO CLIPBOARD

user $ journalctl --vacuum-time=2weeks COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Check for orphaned packages

user $ pamac list -o COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Remove all orphans

user $ pamac remove -o COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Remove all packages except the latest 3 versions

user $ pamac clean --keep 3 COPY TO CLIPBOARD


Поиск пакета

user $ pamac search -a [PackageName] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Сборка пакета

user $ pamac build [PackageName] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Права доступа

Execute command as root
user $ sudo [command] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Empty password cache

user $ sudo -k COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Change user password

user $ passwd username COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Change owner and group of file

user $ chown [owner]:[group] -c [file] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Change file permissions

user $ chmod [permissions] -c [file] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Set permissions in octal mode: 4(read) 2(write) 1(execute)

Example: 755 read-write-execute for owner and read-execute for group and others

Display files and permissions [of directory]
user $ ls -lh [dir] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Файлы и каталоги

Change the working directory
user $ cd [dir] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Change to parent directory

user $ cd .. COPY TO CLIPBOARD

List directory contents

user $ ls -l COPY TO CLIPBOARD

List also hidden files

user $ ls -la COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Copy file

user $ cp [file] [target] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Copy directory recursively

user $ cp -r [directory] [target] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Move or rename file/directory

user $ mv [source] [target] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Remove directory recursively

user $ rm -r [dir] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Create symbolic link

user $ ln -s [target] [link] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Mount filesystem

user $ mount -t [type] [/dev/sdx9] [mountpoint] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Mount ISO image

user $ mount -o loop [iso] [mountpoint] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Home directory of user

user $ cd /home/$USER COPY TO CLIPBOARD


Directory with global configurations

user $ cd /etc COPY TO CLIPBOARD


Display network information
user $ nmcli COPY TO CLIPBOARD

List wireless access points

user $ nmcli c COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Enable firewall [package Community: ufw]

user $ ufw enable COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Allow/deny all incoming traffic

user $ ufw default [allow/deny] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Displays firewall status and rules

user $ ufw status COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Allows/deny incoming traffic on the specified port

user $ ufw [allow/deny] [port] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Allows/deny incoming traffic from specified IP address

user $ ufw [allow/deny] from [ip] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Система и экран

Display kernel version
user $ uname -r COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Display long kernel version

user $ uname -a COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Report file system disk space usage

user $ df [/] [/home] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

user $ sudo btrfs filesystem usage -h [/] COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Display system tasks



Display system information

user $ inxi --admin --verbosity=7 --filter --width COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Display a tree of processes

user $ pstree COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Switch to tty

  • Ctrl+Alt+F1
  • Ctrl+Alt+F2
  • Ctrl+Alt+F3
  • Ctrl+Alt+F4
  • Ctrl+Alt+F5
  • Ctrl+Alt+F6

Switch to the X session

  • Ctrl+Alt+F7
Start a unit
user $ systemctl start unit COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Stop a unit

user $ systemctl stop unit COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Check status of a unit

user $ systemctl status unit COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Enable a unit

user $ systemctl enable unit COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Disable a unit

user $ systemctl disable unit COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Restart a unit

user $ systemctl restart unit COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Shut down the system

user $ poweroff COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Restart the system

user $ reboot COPY TO CLIPBOARD

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