Manjaro Reglas básicas de presentación

Reglas básicas de presentación

From Manjaro
Revision as of 07:05, 27 March 2023 by Guillopacheco (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Generalidades== Esta wiki será el primer puerto de escala de muchos miles de usuarios de Manjaro, tanto nuevos como antiguos, inexperto o experimentado. También es un refl...")
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Esta wiki será el primer puerto de escala de muchos miles de usuarios de Manjaro, tanto nuevos como antiguos, inexperto o experimentado. También es un reflejo del Equipo de Manjaro y la comunidad en conjunto, ayudar a formar las primeras impresiones y, en última instancia, tener en cuenta si los usuarios potenciales probarán Manjaro, y si los usuarios existentes se quedarán con él. Como tal, la wiki es un aspecto importante de la distribución Manjaro, y la contribución de articulos no debe tomarse a la ligera. Para ayudar a los contribuyentes, ya que se han proporcionado algunas reglas básicas..

How to Create an Account

To request a Manjaro Wiki account, send an email to our support.


  • Write in plain language
  • Provide examples
  • Provide simple and clear explanations
  • Break up complex guides into simple steps
  • Use screen-shots where possible
  • Keep in mind that the wiki is intended for absolute beginners
  • Try to keep the general layout and formatting of your articles consistent with the others
  • Check for existing articles which can be added to before creating a new article
  • Link to existing content instead of duplicating content whenever possible
  • Take your time - quality over quantity


  • Rip off other wikis or articles - EVER - even if your work is based on them. There's always a way to improve and elaborate
  • Create articles that only link to other wikis and/or articles. The article itself must be substantive and provide a good foundation for new users to start with.
  • Copy articles and use them as a basis to create new articles with overlapping contents
  • Write lazy, slap-dash crap. It helps no-one and reflects badly on all concerned, including those who have put in a lot of hard work. This includes not putting personal opinion as fact.
  • Get possessive over your content. This is a collaborative effort, and others are entitled to make tweaks and changes here and there, just as you are.
  • Delete content without first contacting the Wiki Admin for permission.
  • Undertake any major revisions or re-structuring without first contacting the Wiki Admin for permission.
  • Write insulting, derogatory, or libelous claims against other organisations or people
  • Submit copyrighted content
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