Manjaro Translations:Installation with Manjaro Architect/37/en

Translations:Installation with Manjaro Architect/37/en

From Manjaro

-->After the package database has been updated we will be asked to select at least one Manjaro kernel.
Navigate to the desired list entry and select it with the Space key.
It makes sense to choose an alternative kernel here already, so we won't need to install a backup kernel later manually. In my case I know that my hardware works best with linux41 but I also want a more recent kernel installed, so I just tick linux412 aswell.
The base-devel group will be needed if you want to use the AUR in your installed system. If you are not sure that your selected profile actually provides base-devel and yaourt, just select the entry here together with the kernel(s).
In this specific case I know that the Manjaro-bspwm profile has AUR support configured, so I can leave it unchecked.
(Duplicate packages will automatically be removed from the list later, so you don't need to worry about that...)

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