VMware Workstation on Manjaro
As you can see from above reference - Archlinux and derivatives are unsupported platforms for running VMware products and as such it is unsupported on Manjaro.
So even when it is possible to install and run VMware on Manjaro - **do not expect support** on configuration of virtual machines or system issues arising from your VMware installation. You must have the required level of troubleshooting skills to solve these when they arise - and they will.
- If you need help configuring vmware virtual machines - your should look in the VMware documentation.
- If you need help troubleshooting installation issues - use the comment section for the AUR PKGBUILD
How to use the AUR PKGBUILD
There is a lot of AUR helpers and they all mimic what you should do manually - the Arch way is usually the best way.
Important kernel precaution
The AUR PKGBUILD is created for Archlinux and therefore the kernel headers dependency must be solved manually on Manjaro. Archlinux only have two kernel versions - linux and linux-lts.
Archlinux kernels follow the release schedule on kernel.org and on Manjaro you will need to use the same kernel versions which - at the time of writing in March 2021 - is
- Linux 5.10.x (LTS)
- Linux 5.11.x (mainline)
Using other kernels - like 5.4LTS - will most likely fail.
Building steps
1. Update your system and install the necessary build tools
2. Then check your kernel version(s) - example - remember to use the same version as Arch
3. Then install the headers for your kernel(s) and dkms. Substitute $KERNELXYY with your currently running kernel
4. Clone the PKGBUILKD script
5. Familiarize yourself with the content - it is all text files and you should read them and verify what they are doing.
6. When you are satisfied - cd into the folder
7. Run makepkg to install dependencies, build and install the package.
The installer will write messages in the terminal on what to do next - follow the directions to load the kernel modules and enable vmware network service and usb service as needed.
Optional services
There are three services that can be optionally be enabled:
- vmware-networks.service: Provides network access inside VMs, most people will want this enabled
- vmware-usbarbitrator.service: Allows USB devices to be connected inside VMs
- vmware-hostd.service: Enables sharing of VMs on the network
To start and enable vmware network
To start and enable usb passthrough
To start and enable the sharing of a virtual machine
Installing Manjaro under VMWare
There are no special requirements to installing Manjaro on VMWare. open-vmware-tools is pre-installed. It should "just work"
Copy and Paste
If copy and paste does not work, you may need to install gtkmm3 and re-boot. vmware-user-suid-wrapper depends on gtkmm, but it's not a required dependency of the package. See: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/43159