
Revision as of 19:03, 7 September 2021 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)
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Archlinux kernels follow the release schedule on and on Manjaro you will need to use the same kernel versions which - at the time of writing in March 2021 - is (check with if in doubt)

  • Linux 5.10.x (LTS)
  • Linux 5.11.x (mainline)

Using other kernels - like 5.4LTS - will most likely fail.

Building steps

1. Update your system and install the necessary build tools

user $ sudo pacman -Syu git base-devel --needed COPY TO CLIPBOARD

2. Then check your kernel version(s) - example - remember to use the same version as Arch

user $ mhwd-kernel -li COPY TO CLIPBOARD

3. Then install the headers for your kernel(s) and dkms. Substitute $KERNELXYY with your currently running kernel

user $ sudo pacman -Syu $KERNELXYY-headers dkms COPY TO CLIPBOARD

4. Clone the PKGBUILKD script

user $ git clone ~/vmware-workstation COPY TO CLIPBOARD

5. Familiarize yourself with the content - it is all text files and you should read them and verify what they are doing.

user $ ls ~/vmware-workstation COPY TO CLIPBOARD

6. When you are satisfied - cd into the folder

user $ cd ~/vmware-workstation COPY TO CLIPBOARD

7. Run makepkg to install dependencies, build and install the package.

user $ makepkg -is COPY TO CLIPBOARD

The installer will write messages in the terminal on what to do next - follow the directions to load the kernel modules and enable vmware network service and usb service as needed.

user $ sudo modprobe -a vmw_vmci vmmon COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Optional services

There are three services that can be optionally be enabled:

  • vmware-networks.service: Provides network access inside VMs, most people will want this enabled
  • vmware-usbarbitrator.service: Allows USB devices to be connected inside VMs
  • vmware-hostd.service: Enables sharing of VMs on the network

To start and enable vmware network

user $ sudo systemctl enable --now vmware-networks.service COPY TO CLIPBOARD

To start and enable usb passthrough

user $ sudo systemctl enable --now vmware-usbarbitrator.service COPY TO CLIPBOARD

To start and enable the sharing of a virtual machine

user $ sudo systemctl enable --now vmware-hostd.service COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Installing Manjaro under VMWare

There are no special requirements to installing Manjaro on VMWare. open-vmware-tools is pre-installed. It should "just work"

Copy and Paste

If copy and paste does not work, you may need to install gtkmm3 and re-boot. vmware-user-suid-wrapper depends on gtkmm, but it's not a required dependency of the package. See:
