بارگیری مانجارو
On the OSDN download server, each Manjaro Edition has its own particular folder, which will contain a folder for each new ISO release. Each folder will also contain a torrent file for the ISO image, a list of the included packages, the build log file and the relevant checksum files, which can be used to check the integrity of your downloaded ISO file, to ensure that it has not been corrupted during download. A link to the guide on doing this has been provided below.
انتشار های پایدارِ مانجارو برای استفاده همگان برنامهریزی شدهاند. به همین دلیل برای بیشتر کاربران انتخاب مناسبی خواهند بود.
انتشار های پایدار
Test Builds of Manjaro are intended to be used by developers and testers, in order to identify any bugs or issues to be addressed as their development continues towards the next stable release. These are not suitable nor intended for use by the general public as a main operating system; however, should you wish to try out a test build (preferably in a virtual machine) each current release have a look at the Forum Announcements.
There are also several Community releases for the most famous, or hardly known Display Environments, like Cinnamon, MATE, i3, Awesome, Deepin, Budgie, LxQt and Openbox.
برخی را ممکن است در وبگاه مانجارو بیابید: