LXQt с kwin
If you like to try KWinFT replace the kwin package name in the command below this line with kwinft.
user $ pamac install kwin systemsettings
Optional: Remove OpenBox
If you had openbox installed, it can now be safely removed:
user $ pamac remove openbox
(this will also remove obconf and any other dependencies)
As kwin comes with a builtin compositor you may want to remove compton/picom:
user $ pamac remove compton picom
(this will also remove compton-conf and any other dependencies)
- Open LXQt Session Settings
- Select kwin_x11 as window manager
<Screenshot TBD>
Logout or reboot and enjoy LXQt with kwin!
Глобальные сочетания клавиш
All kwin shortcuts are managed in ~/.config/kglobalshortcutsrc.
Search for the shortcut of choice and edit it. Alternatives are separated by comma (e.g. Alt+Tab,Alt+Tab,…).