Grabar un archivo ISO

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Como se indica en la Página de Descargas de Manjaro, un ISO no es solamente un duplicado 'arrastrar y soltar' o 'copiar y pegar de los archivos de instalación de Manjaro. De hecho, es una copia del código de la computadora sin procesar, que hace los archivos por ellos mismos. Por esto es necesario utilizar una aplicación para grabar para 'quemar' un archivo ISO, que es, convertir el código sin formato de los archivos en un medio físico, como un DVD o memoria USB / datastick para poder usarlo. Una vez grabados / convertidos, los archivos en ese medio pueden ser utilizados para correr Manjaro directamente sin tener que instalarlo en su sistema (denominado modo Live-CD o Live-USB), y/o instalar Manjaro en su sistema. De nuevo sin embargo, no será necesario grabar un ISO si pretende correr Manjaro en un entorno de maquina virtual usando Virtualbox de Oracle. Esto es porque Virtualbox puede leer archivos ISO directamente como discos virtuales .

Manjaro no tendrá funcionalidad total cuando se corre en modo Live-CD. Por ejemplo, No podrá guardar ningún cambio al sistema, o instalar actualizaciones o nuevas aplicaciones.

Grabar a CD/DVD en Linux

Es muy recomendable seleccionar la velocidad más baja disponible al grabar en disco, para minimizar la posibilidad de corrupción durante el proceso de grabación

Varias aplicaciones de software para grabar -si no están ya instaladas - deben estar disponibles para instalación desde el Centro de Software de su distribución / Administrador de Software / Administrador de Paquetes / repositorios. Grabadores populares como XFBurn, K3b, y Brasero. Cual escoger se reduce completamente a preferencia personal. Sin embargo, abajo se proporciona una guía para grabar su imagen ISO descargada utilizando Brasero:

1. Inserte un CD/DVD en blanco (utilice un DVD si )

Insert a Blank CD/DVD (use un DVD si graba un ISO para algo que no sea la edición NET)

2. Inicie el software de grabación Brasero

3. Click the Burn Image - Burn an existing CD/DVD image to disc button to open the Image Burning Setup window.

4. Click the button beneath the title Select a disc image to write to open up your file manager. Locate and double-click the downloaded ISO file to load it. Upon automatically returning to the Image Burning Setup window, note that the ISO file is now listed as the disc image to write.

5. Underneath the title Select a disc to write to the blank CD/DVD inserted should already have been automatically listed. Otherwise, click the button to select it manually.

6. Click the properties button to open the properties window, and then click the button beneath the title Burning Speed. Again, it is strongly recommended to select the slowest speed available. Once selected, click the Close button.

7. Click the Burn button to start the burning process. If necessary, follow any on-screen instructions provided.

Burning to a CD/DVD in Windows

In Windows 7 and later, support for burning an ISO to DVD is built-in. Simply right click on the on .iso file and select "Burn disk image". This will bring up a series of dialogues to walk you through the process.

For Windows Vista or older versions of Windows you will need to download 3rd party software. Several free software burner applications are available for Windows. One such tool is DeepBurner. The portable version can be downloaded from here.

Writing to a USB Stick in Linux

This section describes how to write a Linux ISO file to USB.

Windows ISO files are notoriously difficult and requires special attention. Read the forum post on HowTo create a bootable Windows ISO

Using the Terminal

To burn the iso on an usb stick, enter the following command in a terminal :

user $ sudo dd bs=4M if=/path/to/manjaro.iso of=/dev/sd[drive letter] status=progress oflag=sync COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Where [drive letter] is the letter of your removable device. Please note that it is the device (e.g. /dev/sdb), and not the partition number (e.g. /dev/sdb1).

To find which drive letter it might be write:

user $ sudo fdisk -l COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Not all ISO are isohybrid ! However you can create isohybrid ISO. If you use very old hardware and rare, may not support isohybrid. Isohybrid created for UEFI should work with "Legacy mode", without support UEFI not will work on UEFI. Before use USB stick check Bios/UEFI settings, USB should start first. If isohybrid not working for you with uefi, try create isohybrid for own use without this option.

How you can check ISO

user $ fdisk -l COPY TO CLIPBOARD

user $ fdisk -l manjaro-mate-15.12-x86_64.iso

Disk manjaro-mate-15.12-x86_64.iso: 7,5 GiB, 8006074368 bytes, 15636864 sectors Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disklabel type: dos

Disk identifier: 0x00000000 COPY TO CLIPBOARD

user $ fdisk -l manjaro-xfce-16.08-x86_64.iso

Disk manjaro-xfce-16.08-x86_64.iso: 1,5 GiB, 1561657344 bytes, 3050112 sectors Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disklabel type: dos Disk identifier: 0x06c2dccb . Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type manjaro-xfce-16.08-x86_64.iso1 * 0 3050111 3050112 1,5G 0 Empty

manjaro-xfce-16.08-x86_64.iso2 224 63711 63488 31M ef EFI (FAT-12/16/32) COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Isohybrid have 2 partitions, you can check also with gparted after burn the iso on an usb stick.

How create isohybrid

user $ isohybrid -v /path/to/name.iso COPY TO CLIPBOARD

or for UEFI
user $ isohybrid --uefi -v output.iso COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Using a Burning Application


ImageWriter should be available for installation from your distribution's Software Center / Software Manager / Package Manager / repositories. Once Imagewriter has been downloaded and installed, ensure that your USB stick is plugged in before starting it.

A brief guide to writing the Manjaro .ISO image has been provided:

1. Click on the centre icon

2. Navigate to where the ISO image has been saved and select it

3. Ensure that your USB device has been selected from the drop-down menu

4. Click on the Write button

5. After the Write process has finished, reboot your system

Writing to a USB Stick in Windows

Using Rufus

Rufus Rufus is a utility that helps format and create bootable USB flash drives, such as USB keys/pendrives, memory sticks, etc.

When you use Rufus to write a Manjaro Live ISO to USB you must select DD mode when prompted to use standard or DD mode.

See its website for more details: [1]

Writing to a USB Stick on a Macintosh

As a Unix variant, macOS uses a similar approach to Linux. All commands below should be run in the Terminal application. Commands using sudo may prompt for your password; this is expected.

After you've inserted your USB drive, identify it using diskutil:

user $ diskutil list COPY TO CLIPBOARD

  /dev/disk0 (internal, physical):
     #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
     0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *1.0 TB     disk0
     1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk0s1
     2:                 Apple_APFS Container disk1         1000.0 GB  disk0s2
  /dev/disk3 (external, physical):
     #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
     0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                        *7.8 GB     disk3
     1:               Windows_NTFS MYUSBDRIVE              7.8 GB     disk3s1

Note the identifier disk3s1 in this example.

Unmount the drive with the command:

user $ sudo diskutil unmount /dev/disk3s1 COPY TO CLIPBOARD

  Volume MYUSBDRIVE on disk3s1 unmounted

Now you can use dd to write to the raw device:

user $ sudo dd bs=4M if=Desktop/manjaro-i3-21.2.3-220205-linux515.iso of=/dev/disk3 COPY TO CLIPBOARD

  787+1 records in
  787+1 records out
  3303161856 bytes transferred in 2470.782563 secs (1336889 bytes/sec)

The USB drive can now be removed from the computer and used to boot Manjaro.