Manjaro Bootloader'ı Koru

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This is not to get back or to restore your Manjaro bootloader. To restore your Manjaro bootloader, see this.

This is to prevent your working Manjaro bootloader being overridden by other OS bootloaders. This can happen when the other OS updates its grub (not update-grub). And due to Manjaro's implementation of intel-ucode, other OS bootloader cannot boot Manjaro OS, hence this tutorial.

Eski Bios sistemleri

Diğer tüm linux işletim sistemlerini ve terminallerini başlatın.

user $ sudo grub-install --force /dev/sdxy COPY TO CLIPBOARD

where /dev/sdxy is the other OS partition. Note some OS's need command 'grub2-install'.

Yeni bir linux işletim sistemi kurarken, yükleyicide her zaman "önyükleyiciyi bölüme yükleme" seçeneğini seçin. Önyükleyiciyi yüklememeyi de seçebiliriz, ancak 'bölümlemeye' seçeneğini seçmek (Manjaro bunu 'sisteme' olarak adlandırır) yeterince iyidir ve her işletim sisteminde bir önyükleyicinin kurulu olması tercih edilir.

If you choose to uninstall Manjaro later on, remember to make the other OS bootloader as default before uninstalling.

UEFI systems

At any linux OS terminal, see output of

user $ efibootmgr COPY TO CLIPBOARD

It will give an output like this:

$ efibootmgr

 BootCurrent: 0001
 Timeout: 1 seconds
 BootOrder: 0001,0002,0004,0005,0008
 Boot0001* manjaro
 Boot0002* ubuntu
 Boot0004* UEFI: WDC WD10PURX
 Boot0005* Hard Drive
 Boot0008* Systemd Boot Manager

Make sure Manjaro bootorder is at the beginning as above: "BootOrder: 0001,0002,0004,0005,0008" If it is not, reorder such that it is, like this:

user $ sudo efibootmgr -o 0001,0002,0004,0005,0008 COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Whenever we install another OS, it will be at the top of that bootorder; and we will need to reorder such that Manjaro is again at the top. And we can do that at that install livecd media itself. If we forget, we can do it after installation at any OS. For UEFI, we can still select Manjaro to boot at boot-setup (one of F8 ~ F12).

Çoğu UEFI sistemi için bu tek başına yeterli olmalıdır. Ancak bazı durumlarda (ve buradaki bazı konularda rapor edilmiştir), bu durum böyle değildir (muhtemelen ürün yazılımı sorunları nedeniyle). Yukarıdaki adımlar Manjaro önyükleme sırasının başlatılacağını garanti etmez. Bu durumlarda ekstra bir komut gerekir.

user $ sudo cp /boot/grub/x86_64-efi/core.efi /boot/efi/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Or, if done at livecd (or another OS) and mounted / partition to /mnt and /boot/efi partition to /mnt/boot/efi

user $ sudo cp /mnt/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/core.efi /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Copying /boot/efi/EFI/Manjaro/grubx64.efi instead of /boot/grub/x86_64-efi/core.efi can also accomplish the same thing because /boot/efi/EFI/Manjaro/grubx64.efi is itself a copy of /boot/grub/x86_64-efi/core.efi

So doing this is also an alternative.

user $ sudo cp /boot/efi/EFI/Manjaro/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Doing this extra command where the extra command is not needed does not seem to harm the system.

A fallback alternative

(Both bios-legacy and uefi)

We can despite our efforts, still use the other OS grub to boot Manjaro, and might come in useful, particularly if the above methods seems daunting. Or if we are stuck not being able to get to Manjaro bootloader.

At the other OS grub 2 system, create a custom.cfg file

user $ sudo touch /boot/grub/custom.cfg COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Some OS's like Suse, Fedora, Mageia uses directory in /boot/grub2 not /boot/grub, so do so accordingly. Then add the following in the newly created custom.cfg. No need to update-grub or change /etc/default/grub and will stand (persist) grub-installs or update-grubs. And of course persists to any new Manjaro kernel. Note this entry/entries will not be shown in their grub.cfg.

menuentry "Manjaro - configfile "  {
     insmod part_gpt
     part part_msdos
     insmod ext2
     search --no-floppy  --fs-uuid --set=root xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg

btrfs will need additional tweeks (rootflag=subvolume=@)