ManjaroISO nedir?
ManjaroISO, tamamen oluşturulabilen küçük bir bash betikleri kümesidir. işlevsel Manjaro Linux tabanlı canlı medyalar. Bu çok genel bir araçtır, dolayısıyla kurtarma sistemlerinden herhangi bir şey üretmek için potansiyel olarak kullanılabilir, diskleri kurmak, özel ilgi çekici canlı CD sistemleri ve kim bilir ne başka. Basitçe söylemek gerekirse, Manjaro'nun parlak bir bardak altlığı üzerinde olması durumunda bunu yapabilir.
Nasıl başlanır?
Bir çalışma dizini oluşturun
Muhtemelen yapmanız gereken ilk şey çalışacak bir dizin oluşturmaktır. içeri ve cd'ye. Bu, işleri düzenli tutmanıza yardımcı olacaktır.
mkdir -p ~/work/manjaroiso
Sisteminizi güncelleyin
Sisteminizi güncellemek için
sudo pacman -Syu
ManjaroISO'yu yükleyin
Daha sonra manjaroiso'yu ve profillerini yükleyin. Topluluk profillerine ihtiyacınız yoksa paketlerini yüklemeyin.
sudo pacman -S manjaroiso manjaroiso-profiles manjaroiso-community-profiles
ManjaroISO profillerini çalışma dizininize kopyalayın:
cp -a /usr/share/manjaroiso/configs/ ~/work/manjaroiso/configs/
There is an Alternative way to install ManjaroISO available using git clone
to download the latest ManjaroISO packages from Github.
Understanding ManjaroISO Profiles
Depending on your ManjaroISO version you find followed directories in ~/work/manjaroiso:
build cinnamon e17 kde lxde mate net openbox shared sysmenu xfce
In this example we work with the e17 folder. This folder is not available anymore and got replaced by the enlightenment folder, but it serves well for demonstration purposes. All profile folders look very similar. Change to it and take a look at the files and folders in it:
Packages isolinux overlay pacman-x86_64.conf Packages-E17 isomounts overlay-livecd syslinux Packages-Xorg mkinitcpio.conf pacman-gfx.conf efiboot e17-overlay options.conf pacman-i686.conf
- Packages includes the common packages of all editions.
- Packages-E17 includes all packages especially for the E17 Edition
- Packages-Xorg includes all common Xorg packages
- e17-overlay includes files and folders modified to get E17 Edition working
- isolinux includes isolinux.cfg file to start syslinux bootloader
- isomounts holds the information of all overlay-images and their bootorder: It tells the kernel in which order (from top to bottom) to load all overlay images
- mkinitcpio.conf holds the information of all needed modules need to be added to the live-media kernel
- options.conf defines basic settings for the live-media
- overlay includes common files and folders modified to get all edition working
- overlay-livecd includes common files and folders modified for all editions getting the live-session working
- pacman-gfx.conf includes the common pacman.conf file for pkgs-image overlay
- pacman-i686.conf includes the common pacman.conf for all 32bit Manjaro Editions
- pacman-x86_64.conf includes the common pacman.conf for all 64bit Manjaro Editions
- syslinux includes the bootloader for all Manjaro Editions
- efiboot includes UEFI bootloader stuff for all Manjaro Editions
Modifying a ManjaroISO Profile
In this example we work with the e17 folder. Following files and folders are most important for the E17 Profile:
- Packages-E17
- e17-overlay
Current Packages-E17 file looks like this:
### Manjaro Packages ## E17 Main Packages enlightenment17 faenza-green-icon-theme gksu libgnomeui lxdm network-manager-applet system-tools xcursor-simpleandsoft xcursor-vanilla-dmz-aa ## Applications blueman epdfview midori mplayer gparted #manjaro-installer sylpheed xchat xnoise ## Packages for Sound and Audio gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins ## Package management pacman-gui
You can add any missing package like connman, the E17 network manager, to this file and save it. You do not need to worry about dependencies.
Please keep in mind that you can only add packages from the manjaro repositories and not from the AUR. Read this wiki page, if you want to add packages from the AUR: How to install AUR packages in ManjaroISO
The e17-overlay folder looks like this atm:
e17-overlay |-etc |---skel |-----.config |-------epdfview |-------gtk-2.0 |-------midori |-----.local |-------share |---------applications |---systemd |-----system |-usr |---share |-----icons |-------default
It includes configuration files like etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service
to define the used bootloader. You can change or add any files to that folder to get included to the installed Manjaro system and also added to the live-session if not overwritten by the same file in overlay-livecd.
The overlay-livecd folder looks like this atm:
overlay-livecd |-etc |---gdm |---lightdm |---manjaro |---pam.d |---samba |---skel |-----.config |-------autostart |-----.kde4 |-------share |---------config |-----Desktop |---sudoers.d |---systemd |-----system | |-root |---.config |-usr |---bin |---lib |-----systemd |-------system |---sbin |---share |-----icons
Any file added to this folder gets only added to the live-session. In some cases, this can be important.
Building 32 bit and 64 bit install-medias
The options.conf file found in the shared subfolder (in our example: ~/work/manjaroiso/configs/shared/
) or the subfolder of the desktop environment you are trying to build (in our example: ~/work/manjaroiso/configs/e17/
) contains the following code:
arch=`uname -m` #arch=i686
This will build a 32bit install-media, if you are on a 32bit Manjaro system and a 64bit install-media, if you are on a 64bit Manjaro system.
If you are on a 64bit Manjaro system and want to build a 32bit install-media, please change the code to this:
#arch=`uname -m` arch=i686
Building an install-media
Please change into the profile folder you want to build, if you have not already done this. In our example this is:
cd ~/work/manjaroiso/configs/e17/
Now, use buildiso to build your install-media:
sudo buildiso
buildiso will create a new folder work-x86_64
or work-i686
depending on the architecture of the install-media you want to build. buildiso will work in that folder exclusively. When buildiso is finished, the .iso file with your install-media will appear in your profile folder (in our example: ~/work/manjaroiso/configs/e17/
In case anything goes wrong buildiso will display an error. Try to fix this error and restart buildiso. If there is a severe error in buildiso or if you want to build a completely new install-media, it might be necessary to delete buildiso's work folder. In our example this is (for a 64bit architecture installation-media):
sudo rm -rfv ~/work/manjaroiso/configs/e17/work-x86_64
Attention: The work-x86_64
folder will not be completely deleted, because parts of it are mounted.
In severe cases, please reboot your system before and after you try to remove the work-x86_64