Difference between revisions of "Octopi"

1,962 bytes added ,  8 years ago
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  F10 to maximize/demaximize package list view
  F10 to maximize/demaximize package list view
  F12 to maximize/demaximize Tab's view  
  F12 to maximize/demaximize Tab's view  
A Qt-based Pacman frontend, licensed under the terms of GPL v2.
For more information, visit: http://octopiproject.wordpress.com.
Package classification:
*  An installed package
*  An installed package (not required by others)
*  A foreign package, installed from AUR
*  A non installed package
*  An outdated package
*  An outdated foreign package
*  A newer than repository package
Basic usage help:
* Position the mouse over a package to see its description
* Double click an installed package to see its contents
* Right click package to install/reinstall or remove it
Alt+key sequences:
* Alt+1 to switch to 'Info' tab
* Alt+2 to switch to 'Files' tab
* Alt+3 to switch to 'Transaction' tab
* Alt+4 to switch to 'Output' tab
* Alt+5 to switch to 'News' tab
* Alt+6 or 'F1' to show this help page
Control+key sequences:
* Ctrl+D or 'File/Sync database' to sync the local database with latest remote changes (pacman -Sy)
* Ctrl+U or 'File/System upgrade' to make a full system upgrade (pacman -Su)
* Ctrl+L to find a package in the package list
* Ctrl+F to search for text inside tab Files, News and Usage
* Ctrl+M or 'Transaction/Commit' to start installation/removal of selected packages
* Ctrl+E or 'Transaction/Cancel' to clear the selection of to be removed/installed packages
* Ctrl+G or 'File/Get latest distro news' to retrieve the latest RSS based distro news
* Ctrl+Q or 'File/Exit' to exit the application
* Control+shift+key sequences:
* Ctrl+Shift+C to clean local packages cache (pacman -Sc)
* Ctrl+Shift+G to display all package groups
* Ctrl+Shift+R to remove Pacman's transaction lock file
* Ctrl+Shift+Y to display AUR group
F+key sequences:
* F1 to show this help page
* F4 to open a Terminal within the selected directory at Files tab
* F6 to open a File Manager within the selected directory at Files tab
* F10 to maximize/demaximize package list view
* F12 to maximize/demaximize Tab's view

As can be seen from the above, Octopi has many easily used features for those that prefer not to use the command line tools '''pacman''' & '''yaourt'''. The Octopi menu & the right mouse button menu are both simple, straight forward & easily understood, which makes the use of Octopi for those new to it very easy to learn.
As can be seen from the above, Octopi has many easily used features for those that prefer not to use the command line tools '''pacman''' & '''yaourt'''. The Octopi menu & the right mouse button menu are both simple, straight forward & easily understood, which makes the use of Octopi for those new to it very easy to learn.
Anonymous user