Translations:Manjaro Packaging Standards/32/en

  1. The submitted PKGBUILDs MUST NOT build applications already in any of the official binary repositories under any circumstances. Exception to this strict rule may only be packages having extra features enabled and/or patches in compare to the official ones. In such an occasion the pkgname array should be different to express that difference. eg. A GNU screen PKGBUILD submitted containing the sidebar patch, could be named screen-sidebar etc. Additionally the provides=('screen') PKGBUILD array should be used in order to avoid conflicts with the official package.
  2. To ensure the security of pkgs submitted to the AUR please ensure that you have correctly filled the md5sum field. The md5sum's can be generated using the updpkgsums command.
  3. Please add a comment line to the top of the PKGBUILD file that follows this format. Remember to disguise your email to protect against spam: