manjaro-tools is a replacement for devtools and manjaroiso. A user manual is available at github.
manjaro-tools can be configured via editing /etc/manjaro-tools/manjaro-tools.conf
These are the new names for renamed scripts.
- mkmanjaroroot --> mkchroot
- manjarobuild --> buildpkg
- pacstrap --> basestrap
- genfstab --> fstabgen
- arch-chroot --> manjaro-chroot
mkset is used to create build lists. Build lists can be defined in /etc/manjaro-tools/sets/<buildlistname>.set
To create a build list, one can run in the pkgbuilds dir:
mkset -c <name>
This will create a build list containing all directories with PKGBUILDs in them. This generated list can be then edited, like packages can be removed.
For example, in a git clone of
$ ls consolekit/ manjaro-tools-git/ openrc-net/ eudev/ manjaro-tools-git-devel/ openrc-systemdcompat/ eudev-systemdcompat/ manjaro-tools-iso-profiles/ openrc-video/ kde-servicemenus-pkg-tools/ manjaro-tools-livecd/ packages/ keyboardctl-openrc/ networkmanager-openrc/ pkgbuilds-review/ kf5-servicemenus-pkg-tools/ openrc-aur/ polkit-consolekit/ lib32-eudev/ openrc-base/ sddm-consolekit/ lib32-eudev-systemdcompat/ openrc-core/ sysvinit/ lxqt-lightdm-greeter/ openrc-desktop/ upower-pm-utils/ manjaro-openrc/ openrc-devel/ manjaro-tools/ openrc-misc/
Running mkset -c openrc does
$ mkset -c openrc ==> Creating [/openrc.set] ... -> Adding consolekit -> Adding eudev -> Adding eudev-systemdcompat -> Adding kde-servicemenus-pkg-tools -> Adding kf5-servicemenus-pkg-tools -> Adding lib32-eudev -> Adding lib32-eudev-systemdcompat -> Adding lxqt-lightdm-greeter -> Adding manjaro-openrc -> Adding manjaro-tools -> Adding manjaro-tools-git -> Adding manjaro-tools-git-devel -> Adding manjaro-tools-iso-profiles -> Adding manjaro-tools-livecd -> Adding networkmanager-openrc -> Adding openrc-aur -> Adding openrc-base -> Adding openrc-core -> Adding openrc-desktop -> Adding openrc-devel -> Adding openrc-misc -> Adding openrc-net -> Adding openrc-systemdcompat -> Adding openrc-video -> Adding polkit-consolekit -> Adding sddm-consolekit -> Adding sysvinit -> Adding upower-pm-utils
buildpkg is used to build a particular package or a set. The help looks like the following for i686
$ buildpkg -h Usage: buildpkg [options] [--] [makepkg args] -p <profile> Set profile or pkg [default: default] -a <arch> Set arch [default: i686] -b <branch> Set branch [default: stable] -r <dir> Chroots directory [default: /srv/manjarobuild] -c Recreate chroot -w Clean up -n Install and run namcap check -s Sign packages -q Query settings and pretend build -h This help
To build a single package, go into the directory which is one above the package build directory (which contains the PKGBUILD), and run it as:
buildpkg -p <package-name>
For example, we want to build the upower-pm-utils package from the following PKGBUILD folders
$ ls consolekit manjaro-tools openrc-video eudev networkmanager-openrc packages eudev-systemdcompat openrc-aur polkit-consolekit kde-servicemenus-pkg-tools openrc-base keyboardctl-openrc openrc-core sddm-consolekit kf5-servicemenus-pkg-tools openrc-desktop sysvinit lib32-eudev openrc-devel upower-pm-utils lib32-eudev-systemdcompat openrc-misc manjaro-openrc openrc-net
To test if the options are correct, the -q
option can be used.
$ buildpkg -q upower-pm-utils ==> manjaro-tools -> version: -> manjaro_tools_conf: /etc/manjaro-tools/manjaro-tools.conf ==> OPTIONS: -> arch: i686 -> branch: stable -> chroots: /srv/manjarobuild ==> ARGS: -> mkchrootpkg_args: -r /srv/manjarobuild/stable/i686 -> makepkg_args: -> clean_first: false -> wipe_clean: false -> namcap: false -> sign: false ==> PATHS: -> chrootdir: /srv/manjarobuild/stable/i686 -> profiledir: /etc/manjaro-tools/sets -> pkg_dir: /var/cache/manjaro-tools/stable/i686 -> pacman_conf: /usr/share/manjaro-tools/pacman-default.conf -> makepkg_conf: /usr/share/manjaro-tools/makepkg-i686.conf -> mirrors_conf: /usr/share/manjaro-tools/pacman-mirrors-stable.conf ==> BLACKLIST: -> blacklist_trigger: eudev lib32-eudev upower-pm-utils eudev-systemdcompat lib32-eudev-systemdcompat -> blacklist: libsystemd ==> SETS: -> profiles: default -> profile: upower-pm-utils -> is_profile: false ==> Build queue: -> upower-pm-utils
After that to build the package -p
can be used.
$ buildpkg -p upower-pm-utils ==> Updating chroot for [testing] (x86_64)... :: Synchronizing package databases... core is up to date extra is up to date community is up to date :: Starting full system upgrade... there is nothing to do ==> Making package: upower-pm-utils 0.9.23-4 (Mon Jan 12 12:38:16 IST 2015) ==> Retrieving sources... ... ... ==> Leaving fakeroot environment. ==> Finished making: upower-pm-utils 0.9.23-4 (Mon Jan 12 07:08:28 UTC 2015)
To clean the chroot before building -c -p
can be used.
$ buildpkg -p upower-pm-utils -c ==> Creating chroot for [testing] (x86_64)... -> Deleting chroot copy 'aaditya'... -> Deleting chroot copy 'root'... ==> Creating install root at /mnt/datalinux2/manjaro-tools/testing/x86_64/root ==> Installing packages to /mnt/datalinux2/manjaro-tools/testing/x86_64/root :: Synchronizing package databases... core 133.7 KiB 30.8K/s 00:04 [######################] 100% extra 1920.2 KiB 392K/s 00:05 [######################] 100% community 2.7 MiB 512K/s 00:05 [######################] 100% :: There are 25 members in group base-devel: :: Repository core 1) autoconf 2) automake 3) binutils 4) bison 5) fakeroot 6) file 7) findutils 8) flex 9) gawk 10) gcc 11) gettext 12) grep 13) groff 14) gzip 15) libtool 16) m4 17) make 18) pacman 19) patch 20) pkg-config 21) sed 22) sudo 23) texinfo 24) util-linux 25) which ... ... ==> Creating clean working copy [aaditya]... ==> Making package: upower-pm-utils 0.9.23-4 (Mon Jan 12 12:37:00 IST 2015) ==> Retrieving sources... ... ... ==> Leaving fakeroot environment. ==> Finished making: upower-pm-utils 0.9.23-4 (Mon Jan 12 07:07:20 UTC 2015)
To build a set the name of the set can be used. The current sets can be queried with the -q