Manjaro Translations:Some basics of MBR v/s GPT and BIOS v/s UEFI/7/en

Translations:Some basics of MBR v/s GPT and BIOS v/s UEFI/7/en

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MBR-based partition table schemes insert the partitioning information for (usually) four "primary" partitions in the master boot record (MBR) (which on a BIOS system is also the container for code that begins the process of booting the system). In a GPT, the first sector of the disk is reserved for a "protective MBR" such that booting a BIOS-based computer from a GPT disk is supported, but the boot loader and O/S must both be GPT-aware. Regardless of the sector size, the GPT header begins on the second logical block of the device. [1]

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