Manjaro Translations:Some basics of MBR v/s GPT and BIOS v/s UEFI/30/en

Translations:Some basics of MBR v/s GPT and BIOS v/s UEFI/30/en

From Manjaro
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Conversions from MBR to GPT works because of inefficiencies in the MBR partitioning scheme. On an MBR disk, the bulk of the first cylinder of the disk goes unused—only the first sector (which holds the MBR itself) is used. Depending on the disk's CHS geometry, this first cylinder is likely to be sufficient space to store the GPT header and partition table. Likewise, space is likely to go unused at the end of the disk because the cylinder (as seen by the BIOS and whatever tool originally partitioned the disk) will be incomplete, so the last few sectors will go unused. This leaves space for the backup GPT header and partition table. (Disks partitioned with 1 MiB alignment sometimes leave no gaps at the end of the disk, which can prevent conversion to GPT format—at least, unless you delete or resize the final partition.)

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