Catalyst (Obsolete - remove?)
Owners of ATI/AMD video cards have a choice between AMD's proprietary driver (catalyst) and the open source driver (xf86-video-ati). This article covers the proprietary driver.
AMD's Linux driver package catalyst was previously named fglrx (FireGL and Radeon X). Only the package name has changed, while the kernel module retains its original fglrx.ko filename. Therefore, any mention of fglrx below is specifically in reference to the kernel module, not the package.
As of August 2012, binary packages are being offered. Currently, packages are available in the [basis] repository. In the past, Catalyst_legacy has been dropped from official Manjaro support because of incomaptiblility with Xorg-Server 1.13-Series. We had to remove both proprietary drivers for a short term due change to Xorg-Server 1.14-Series.
Prepare the System for Catalyst Drivers
It will be necessary to update your system in order to prepare it to use Catalyst drivers. To do so, enter the following command into the terminal:
sudo pacman -Syyuu mhwd-db-catalyst
Once complete, a Catalyst driver can now be installed.
Install Catalyst Driver
All the preparations complete, enter the following command in the terminal to automatically detect and install the appropriate Catalyst driver:
sudo mhwd -a pci nonfree 0300
Following the installation, reboot your system for the changes to take effect.
conflicting dependencies
Not all free drivers are supported by Catalyst-Server. Please uninstall any free drivers with:
sudo mhwd -r pci video-ati
You may need to remove some packages with pacman:
sudo pacman -Rs <pkg-name>