Manjaro Plymouth


From Manjaro
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Plymouth est une application qui se lance très rapidement dans le processus de démarrage (avant même que le système de fichier ne soit monté). Il fournit une animation graphique à l'initialisation du système, tandis que le cycle de mise en route se poursuit en arrière plan.


Plymouth est disponible depuis les dépôts de Manjaro. Cependant, certaines étapes nécessitent d'être suivies afin de le mettre en place correctement.

Les étapes du Arch wiki sont applicables, excepté la dernière.

When rebuilding the initrd image, the "linux" preset does not exist. Use the one that corresponds to you kernel version:

sudo mkinitcpio -p linux<version>

If you do not know what value to use, look in the /etc/mkinitcpio.d directory. It contains all available presets (files with the .preset extension). For example:

user $ sudo mkinitcpio -p linux419 COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Note that in order to enable Plymouth on boot you must edit /etc/default/grub and add the word "splash" to the list of arguments for the following line, as shown:


Make sure not to remove anything else that may already be there.




4 or 5 steps are needed to remove Plymouth. They are:

  • Remove plymouth hook from /etc/mkinitcpio.conf (For disk encryption users should encrypt)
  • Regenerate the initramfs for your kernel with sudo mkinitcpio -p linux<version>
  • Remove the word splash & quiet from the Grub command line options via editing /etc/default/grub
  • Update Grub config file with
    user $ sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg COPY TO CLIPBOARD

  • After that the plymouth package and its themes can be removed. For example:
user $ sudo pacman -Rsn plymouth plymouth-theme-manjaro COPY TO CLIPBOARD

See Also

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