LXQt with kwin

Revision as of 13:37, 1 September 2021 by Antis81 (talk | contribs) (mention kwinft replacement for kwin and other minor corrections)


KWinFT (KWin Fast-Track) is a drop-in replacement for KWin. It is provided in the AUR helping with the transition from X11 to Wayland.

If you like to try KWinFT replace the kwin package name in the command below this line with kwinft.

user $ pamac install kwin systemsettings COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Optional: Remove OpenBox

If you had openbox installed, it can now be safely removed:

user $ pamac remove openbox COPY TO CLIPBOARD

(this will also remove obconf and any other dependencies)

As kwin comes with a builtin compositor you may want to remove compton/picom:

user $ pamac remove compton picom COPY TO CLIPBOARD

(this will also remove compton-conf and any other dependencies)

Use of compton/picom with kwin is still possible. KDE's builtin compositor can be disabled in "KDE Systemsettings" (free choice!)


  1. Open LXQt Session Settings
  2. Select kwin_x11 as window manager
   <Screenshot TBD>

Logout or reboot and enjoy LXQt with kwin!

Global Keyboard Shortcuts

Global shortcuts are managed by lxqt-globalkeys (LXQt settings -> Global Shortcuts):

   <Screenshot TBD>
Mapping the Super_L/Super_R keys (<Meta> without a second key) can lead to unexpected behaviour and is not recommended!
Some window manager specific shortcuts are managed by kwin (e.g. "Alt+Tab" for the task switcher). Those are fully transparent to lxqt-globalkeys and cannot be assigned/changed!

Optional (WARNING - ADVANCED SECTION!): Configure kwin Shortcuts

All kwin shortcuts are managed in ~/.config/kglobalshortcutsrc.

Editing this file can lead to non-working keys! You have been warned!

Search for the shortcut of choice and edit it. Alternatives are separated by comma (e.g. Alt+Tab,Alt+Tab,…).

Changes become effective on next login. (log out/in for testing)