
Revision as of 12:07, 23 November 2020 by Cscs (talk | contribs) (Installation)


The Manjaro distribution, but for ARM devices.

Based on Arch Linux ARM, combined with Manjaro tools, themes and infrastructure to make install images for your ARM device, like the Pinebook and Raspberry Pi.

Supported Devices

Manufacturer Model
Khadas Edge-V Pro, Vim 1, Vim 2, Vim 3
Pine Pinebook, Pinebook Pro, Pinephone, Pinetab
Raspberry Pi 3B, Pi 3B+, Pi 4B, Pi 400
Rock Pi 4B, Pro 64



You can find installation images in the downloads section of the [1] Manjaro website or at OSDN Find the image that matches your target device and desired edition.

Writing the Installation Media

The images are in a .xz file. These files can be burned directly to an SD card with Etcher or with dd directly. To manually install to your SD card with dd:

Extract the image.

unxz Manjaro-ARM-[Edition]-[Device]-[Version].xz

Get it on the SD card

sudo dd if=Manjaro-ARM-[Edition]-[Device]-[Version].img of=/dev/[device] bs=4M

Where [device] is your SD card's device, as seen by lsblk. Usually mmcblk0 or sdb.

Cleanup and First Boot

Once you have the image on the SDCard, you should be able to put the card into your device and plug it in. If everything worked correctly, it should boot to the OEM setup. Here you define your username, passwords locales etc. Once that is done, the script will clean up after itself, resize the partition and reboot the device. After that reboot, it should boot to the Operating System Depending on the edition you have installed, this could be a simple TTY login or a graphical desktop environment.

Resizing the partitions

Since 18.09 this is now done automatically. The device will boot to OEM setup, which will handle the resizing, and then reboot before the login screen would appear. When it's booted to the login screen, the filesystem has been resized to fill out the remaining space on the SD card.


Login depends on what you set up during the OEM setup. There are 1 users by default on the image. root. And by default it has no password and autologin enabled. This gets changed when the OEM script is run, to disable the autologin and set the password defined during the setup.

Raspberry Pi


For temperature and humidity sensor see this tutorial on the forums:


You can manage voltage and frequency settings in your /boot/config.txt. The following are the most common values for the Raspberry Pi:



Blocked update workaround

There are device-dependent workarounds if you experience an error similar to:

error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: brcm-patchram-plus and pi-bluetooth are in conflict

For the Pi 3B:

sudo systemctl disable brcm43438.service
sudo pacman -S -dd  brcm-patchram-plus-pi3b firmware-raspberrypi
sudo systemctl enable attach-bluetooth-pi3.service

For the Pi 3B+:

sudo systemctl disable brcm43438.service
sudo pacman -S -dd  brcm-patchram-plus firmware-raspberrypi
sudo systemctl enable attach-bluetooth.service

For the Pi 4B:

sudo systemctl disable brcm43438.service
sudo pacman -S -dd  brcm-patchram-plus firmware-raspberrypi
sudo systemctl enable attach-bluetooth.service

For the Pi 400:

sudo systemctl disable brcm43438.service
sudo pacman -S -dd  brcm-patchram-plus-pi400 firmware-raspberrypi
sudo systemctl enable attach-bluetooth-pi400.service

Tips and Tricks

See also