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Found 4 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h German (de)* [[Configure NVIDIA (non-free) settings and load them on Startup|NVIDIA-Einstellungen konfigurieren und beim Start laden]]
: ''Wie man nvidia-Einstellungen richtig verwendet, um Auflösung/Aktualisierungsrate, Antialiasing, OpenGL-Einstellungen, Bumblebee & Steam und mehr zu konfigurieren. ''
 h English (en)* [[Configure NVIDIA (non-free) settings and load them on Startup|Configure NVIDIA (non-free) settings and load them on Startup]]
: ''How to properly use nvidia-settings to configure Resolution/Refresh Rate,<br>Antialiasing, OpenGL Settings, Bumblebee & Steam and more. ''
 h Russian (ru)* [[Configure NVIDIA (non-free) settings and load them on Startup|Настройте параметры NVIDIA (несвободные) и загрузите их при запуске]]
: ''Как правильно использовать настройки nvidia для настройки разрешения/частоты обновления, <br> Сглаживания, настроек OpenGL, Bumblebee & Steam и многого другого.''
 h Turkish (tr)* [[Configure NVIDIA (non-free) settings and load them on Startup|NVIDIA (ücretsiz olmayan) ayarlarını yapılandırın ve bunları Başlangıçta yükleyin]]
: ''Çözünürlük/Yenileme Hızı,<br>Antialiasing, OpenGL Ayarları, Bumblebee ve Steam ve daha fazlasını yapılandırmak için nvidia-settings nasıl düzgün şekilde kullanılır? ''
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