Active languages
This page shows a list of active languages in Manjaro, together with the names of the translators working on that language. A translator's name appears larger, the more edits the translator has contributed. The color of an underline indicates how recently a translator has been active here.
4 languages in total.
[zh-cn] Chinese (China) - 中文(中国大陆)
Language statistics and recent translations
Translators: Len, Zhu, GHLandy, YSY, Nin Zeige, Ft-cai, STMK-Tran, Xiaopangju, Firestar, Searchstars, CodeChen, LeeJames, Yubo, Ameneko, GT610, Shenyao, 1150542638, K2latmanesh, Whyto, 夏元素, Jinzh, Wangduanduan, LAN, D116u, Coconutat, Smzlivee, Xlpha, Zivlamp, Uno, Douglarek, Lijiaqi, Traverse and Iamslwz
Legend for the color: Last translation 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 days ago.
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