Manjaro Translations:Arch User Repository/58/en

Translations:Arch User Repository/58/en

From Manjaro
user $ pamac install base-devel git COPY TO CLIPBOARD

  • Clone the PKGBUILD
user $ git clone COPY TO CLIPBOARD

  • Change directory to cloned folder
user $ cd google-chrome COPY TO CLIPBOARD

  • To make/compile the package, run:
user $ makepkg -s COPY TO CLIPBOARD

This will build the package and pull in any dependencies needed. Note: it won't pull a dependency from the AUR, only from the Manjaro Repos.. If you list the folder content


you'll probably find a few new files. You're interested in the one that ends with .pkg.tar.zst

  • The final event is running $sudo pacman -U on that file
user $ sudo pacman -U COPY TO CLIPBOARD

And you've done it...the safest way to install from the AUR. This is essentially what most install scripts do for you.

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