Manjaro Translations:Build Manjaro ISOs with buildiso/78/en

Translations:Build Manjaro ISOs with buildiso/78/en

From Manjaro
    1. Applications

>extra catfish dmidecode # optional dependency inxi engrampa >extra firefox

  1. >extra flashplugin

>extra galculator-gtk2 gcolor2 >extra gimp gparted gufw >extra audacious >extra hexchat htop qpdfview inxi >extra libreoffice-still ms-office-online manjaro-hello manjaro-application-utility manjaro-settings-manager manjaro-settings-manager-notifier >basic midori >extra mlocate mousepad mugshot >basic parole # media player >extra pidgin powertop screenfetch >extra poppler-data # CKJ support for pdf >basic sylpheed # mail client >extra thunderbird >extra vlc >extra viewnior >extra xfburn >extra yelp

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