Manjaro Translations:Install Desktop Environments/93/en

Translations:Install Desktop Environments/93/en

From Manjaro

To configure LightDM to match the community edition replace the contents of /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf with

background = /usr/share/backgrounds/lxde-breath.png
font-name = Cantarell 12
xft-antialias = true
icon-theme-name = Arc-Maia
screensaver-timeout = 60
theme-name = Adapta-Eta-Maia
cursor-theme-name = xcursor-breeze
show-clock = false
default-user-image = #avatar-default
xft-hintstyle = hintfull
position = 50%,center 50%,center
clock-format = 
panel-position = bottom
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