Manjaro Translations:Installation with Manjaro Architect/50/en

Translations:Installation with Manjaro Architect/50/en

From Manjaro

-->Most of the steps in the next submenu 2.3. Configure Base are also important if you want to end up with a functional system! ;)

  1. Generate FSTAB
    The fstab file specifies where exactly on your drive(s) the partitions to be used by your system are located.
    If you don't know anything about the options available here, just use number 3 Device UUID, which is the current standard that would be used by the graphical installer.
  2. Set Hostname
    Here you can enter what will elsewhere be called 'computer-name'.
  3. Set Locale
    The so-called 'locale' defines the language to be used in the target environment and will also play a role in a DE's automatic selection of a default currency, measure units and other regional "oddities" ...
  4. Set Desktop Keyboard Layout
    As said before, here you can select the keyboard layout to be used by the graphical environment.
  5. Set Timezone and Clock*
    In my case I select 'Europe' first, then 'Vienna' and confirm the selected timezone Europe/Vienna.
    Next, since I am not dual-booting with Windows I can say 'yes' to using UTC.
  6. Set Root Password
    This step is needed (!), even when you are going to use the same password for root as for your only user. Just type it in twice, also for Root.
  7. Add New User(s)
    Enter a user name (lower case letters only), choose the default shell (bash, fish or zsh) and provide the password(s)!
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