Manjaro Translations:Manjaro-tools/48/ru


From Manjaro

$ buildiso -h

 Usage: buildiso [options]
     -p <profile>       Buildset or profile [default: default]
     -a <arch>          Arch [default: x86_64]
     -b <branch>        Branch [default: unstable]
     -r <dir>           Chroots directory
                        [default: '''/var/lib/manjaro-tools/buildiso''']
     -t <dir>           Target directory
                        [default: /home/fh/Data/build/iso]
     -k <name>          Kernel to use
                        [default: linux419]
     -g <key>           The gpg key for sfs signing
                        [default: ]
     -m                 Set SquashFS image mode to persistence
     -c                 Disable clean work dir
     -f                 Build full ISO (extra=true)
     -d <comp>          Compression used for build ISO: xz, gzip, lzma, lzo, lz4
                        [default: xz]
     -x                 Build images only
     -z                 Generate iso only
                        Requires pre built images (-x)
     -v                 Verbose output to log file, show profile detail (-q)
     -q                 Query settings and pretend build
     -h                 This help
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