Manjaro Translations:Using autofs (automount) with NFS/29/ru

Translations:Using autofs (automount) with NFS/29/ru

From Manjaro

sudo systemctl status autofs

 ● autofs.service - Automounts filesystems on demand
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/autofs.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: inactive (dead) since Sat 2017-12-02 08:27:27 CET; 1s ago
   Process: 1069 ExecStart=/usr/bin/automount $OPTIONS --pid-file /run/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Main PID: 1089 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Dec 02 07:13:22 Desktop-Jan systemd[1]: Starting Automounts filesystems on demand...
 Dec 02 07:13:22 Desktop-Jan automount[1089]: -
 Dec 02 07:13:22 Desktop-Jan systemd[1]: Started Automounts filesystems on demand.
 Dec 02 08:27:26 Desktop-Jan systemd[1]: Stopping Automounts filesystems on demand...
 Dec 02 08:27:27 Desktop-Jan systemd[1]: Stopped Automounts filesystems on demand.
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