Manjaro Difference between revisions of "Add a Storage Partition & Modify your System to Suit/ru"

Difference between revisions of "Add a Storage Partition & Modify your System to Suit/ru"

From Manjaro
(Created page with "===Новое расположение разделов=== /boot - 102MB ext2 (half full) / - 20GB ext4 (carries the 4GB /swapfile & still has 5GB free) /...")
(Created page with "==Манипуляция разделами== {{BoxDanger|Работа с разделами|Модификация существующей таблицы разделов м...")
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  /bdata    - 892GB  ext4
  /bdata    - 892GB  ext4

==Manipulating the Partitions==
==Манипуляция разделами==
{{BoxDanger|Working with partitions|Modifying an existing partition table may cause loss of data. '''Always''' ensure adequate backup to external storage}}
{{BoxDanger|Работа с разделами|Модификация существующей таблицы разделов может привести к потере данных. '''Всегда''' обеспечивайте адекватное резервное копирование на внешнее хранилище}}
Boot Manjaro from a live ISO and use Gparted to delete /swap & to modify the size of all (bar /boot) of the partitions on the 1TB (931.51GB formatted) drive. I had to, delete, shrink, move, expand, create (reboot & move my personal data across from /home to the new /bdata , then reboot GParted) shrink, expand.
Загрузите Manjaro с live ISO и используйте Gparted для удаления /swap и изменения размера всех (кроме /boot) разделов на диске 1 ТБ (931,51 ГБ отформатировано). Мне пришлось удалить, уменьшить, переместить, расширить, создать (перезагрузиться и переместить мои личные данные из /home в новый /bdata, затем перезагрузить GParted), уменьшить, расширить.

As previously mentioned, this took 11 -> 12 hours. The larger the partition & the more data involved the longer it takes to process a partition.
As previously mentioned, this took 11 -> 12 hours. The larger the partition & the more data involved the longer it takes to process a partition.

Revision as of 07:28, 2 February 2023

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Моя система хранения была в порядке, когда я ее изначально придумал, но, как водится, прошли годы, и она стала неэффективной и немного беспорядочной. Так что пришло время для обновления. Поэтому я потратил несколько часов на реорганизацию разделов - 11 -> 12 часов работы GParted. За это время я удалил раздел /swap; увеличил раздел /, он все еще имел ~2 ГБ свободного места, что должно было быть достаточно для того, как я использую свою систему.

/swapfile ([файла подкачки]) заменил раздел /swap (см. предыдущую ссылку для простой инструкции по созданию /swapfile). Мой /swapfile был расположен в разделе /.

Я также уменьшил раздел /home настолько, насколько это было возможно с учетом размера хранящихся в нем данных, чтобы затем создать новый раздел, в котором эти данные будут находиться в будущем.

Мне пришлось создать новый раздел, затем перезагрузиться в Manjaro, где я перенес все свои личные данные на новый раздел. Затем перезагрузил GParted live CD и уменьшил мой /home до 20 ГБ, что намного больше, чем нужно в моей новой схеме, но ведь у меня есть свободное место на диске, так что почему бы и нет? (Я всегда смогу изменить его с помощью GParted в будущем, если понадобится).

Затем мою систему нужно было настроить для работы с этими изменениями, о чем я расскажу далее.

Новое расположение разделов

/boot      - 102MB  ext2  (half full)
/          - 20GB  ext4  (carries the 4GB /swapfile & still has 5GB free)
/home      - 20GB  ext4  (12GB free)
/bdata     - 892GB  ext4

Манипуляция разделами

Работа с разделами
Модификация существующей таблицы разделов может привести к потере данных. Всегда обеспечивайте адекватное резервное копирование на внешнее хранилище

Загрузите Manjaro с live ISO и используйте Gparted для удаления /swap и изменения размера всех (кроме /boot) разделов на диске 1 ТБ (931,51 ГБ отформатировано). Мне пришлось удалить, уменьшить, переместить, расширить, создать (перезагрузиться и переместить мои личные данные из /home в новый /bdata, затем перезагрузить GParted), уменьшить, расширить.

As previously mentioned, this took 11 -> 12 hours. The larger the partition & the more data involved the longer it takes to process a partition.

Modifying the system to suit these changes

I had to comment out the call for mounting the /swap partition in /etc/fstab , change the path buttons in Worker (I'm probably the only one reading this that uses the wonderful Worker, so, for all that statement is worth...) to suit the new partition layout. For anyone doing the same thing you need to think about anything that you may have done that needs to be reconfigured to use these new paths (more on this later).

Then in the Terminal I used the blkid command to get the UUID of the new /bdata partition so I could add a call to it into the /etc/fstab :

[handy@jarmano ~]$ blkid
/dev/sda1: UUID="41c2c2b3-5ad8-43bc-9bf0-84d3b429127d" TYPE="ext2" 
/dev/sda2: LABEL="" UUID="9fe95af9-529e-4f68-b83c-7fa9e7fb3ba1" TYPE="ext4" 
/dev/sda3: LABEL="my.system" UUID="6dfe5e6b-86b9-4301-b385-8cc3816ada8c" TYPE="ext4" 
/dev/sda4: LABEL="my.home" UUID="b993339d-dbb3-4fbd-adb4-e61baf43cd7f" TYPE="ext4" 
/dev/sdb1: LABEL="store" UUID="05e6f212-4003-430b-a7d9-a53d98fad0b5" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="8cb60e1f-8d16-4d9c-bccc-3a2cd5396836" 

As you may have noticed, the new partition was given the /dev/sda2: spot (which once belonged to /swap)

I Copied the UUID for the new partition into /etc/fstab & created a call for this new partition, like so:

UUID=9fe95af9-529e-4f68-b83c-7fa9e7fb3ba1 /data/bdata ext4 defaults      0       1

Then as root I made the directory /mnt/bdata , so that the new partition is accessible. You can do this in the Terminal like so (replace <> with the name you want to call your new partition:

root # mkdir -p /data<> <span class="mw-ui-button copy-to-clipboard-button" style="float: right; cursor: pointer; border-radius:5px; margin-top:5px" role="button" data-clipboard-text=" mkdir -p /data<> " aria-disabled="false">COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Due to GParted doing its work with root permissions we need to change the ownership (owner:group) of the new partition, which we do by modifying the ownership of the directory name (that was created in the last command above) from root:root to <>:users. To do that use the following Terminal command:

root # chown <>:users /data/<new.partition'> <span class="mw-ui-button copy-to-clipboard-button" style="float: right; cursor: pointer; border-radius:5px; margin-top:5px" role="button" data-clipboard-text=" chown <>:users /data/<new.partition'> " aria-disabled="false">COPY TO CLIPBOARD

Configure the system to use new default storage directories

Firstly, I had to check both the ~/.bash_profile & the /etc/profile files & modify the PATH variables where I had added paths that were now incorrect. Most users here won't have changed anything in these two files, though it is just too easy to do, to not check them for safeties sake. When looking at these files, check the PATH line for anything that relates to your moved storage directories. You probably won't have any differences unless you added them. These lines in my files follow, you will see where I have replaced the original paths with /mnt/bdata :

export PATH
export PATH
export PATH
# Set our default path
export PATH

Then I needed to change the paths for what are considered to be the standard default /home/<user>/ storage directories - Downloads, Video, Music & so on. I had previously changed these paths, also, I don't want to use capital letters in the beginning of their names.

If you have more than one user account on your system, then it would be best to use & edit:

user $ nano ~/.config/user-dirs.conf COPY TO CLIPBOARD

If the above file doesn't exist, create it. Then copy mine (just below), editing it to suit your system/desires. Having only one user account on my Manjaro setup, I delete the previously mentioned file (if it existed anyway) & modify:

root # nano /etc/xdg/user-dirs.defaults COPY TO CLIPBOARD

As its settings, under these circumstances (not having a ~/.config/user-dirs.conf ) will be global. Mine edited file follows:

# Default settings for user directories customised by handy :->
# The values are relative pathnames from the home directory and
# will be translated on a per-path-element basis into the users locale

Once you have done this, check that you don't have new (likely empty) default directories in your ~/ that were created by the above file(s) on boot. Any such void files should be deleted after you have modified either the user based ~/.config/user-dirs.conf or the root based /etc/xdg/user-dirs.defaults files. ~/.bashrc may need some paths changed as well, depending on what you call from it.

I also had to tell qBittorent, Firefox (& the few other browsers I'm testing) where their particular download directories had moved to. Any other applications that were set to save data into the documents, or any other directory that has moved (or been created as a default, in either of the two directories above) will need to have their config's modified too. & so it goes...

Creating a /swapfile

Now, if you do choose to not have a /swap partition but you would still like to have swap space (which of course you can choose to easily have at any time in the future), then there is a very functional option available to you called a /swapfile. For simple information on how to set one up, have a look over here: [1]


Following is a link to this page's forum counterpart(archived): Wiki Add a Storage Partition

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