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==Stay safe==
==Stay safe==
This is a collection of options you have to operate your manjaro safely. This is about events that can happen to every Linux user. Please do not underestimate the relevant risks and warnings. You can easily start a search in the Manjaro forum for each of the following points. Then you will get an overview of what the current status is at each point.
This is a collection of options you have to operate your manjaro safely. This is about events that can happen to every Linux user. Please do not underestimate the relevant risks and warnings. You can easily start a search in the Manjaro forum for each of the following points. Then you will get an overview of what the current status is at each point.
== Hardware ==
Hardware neigt dazu von zeit zu zeit kaputt zu gehen ;-) . Am häufigsten passiert das kurz nach dem Einbau (< 1 Monat), oder nach dem Ende der mittleren Lebenszeit (z.B. > 5 Jahre). Bitte denk daran dass jede Festplatte/SSD irgendwann kaputt geht, und sei vorbereitet.
Hardware tends to break from time to time ;-) . This most often happens shortly after installation (< 1 month) or after the end of the average lifespan (e.g. > 5 years).
=== hdd / ssd ===
Please remember that every hard drive/SSD will fail at some point and be prepared. Sometimes the data can still be read (then it's time for a final backup). But you can't rely on that.
=== Power supply ===
You can simply replace a broken power supply with a new one. If you were very unlucky, the old power supply may have damaged other things like your motherboard or hard drives when it died. But that rarely happens.
=== Motherboard ===
If you need to replace your motherboard, be aware that the new one usually won't boot right away. There is UEFI in the motherboard. This contains the configuration of the way you used to boot. With the replacement, this is missing from the new UEFI.
In the simplest case it is enough to go to the UEFI boot selection. Your UEFI will then search for a suitable UEFI partition. And ideally finds the boot entry for the grub of manjaro.
=== What you will need ===
==== extern backup ====
==== live manjaro ====
You need a CD/DVD or USB to boot from. This should be a current version of manjaro. (in no case older than 6 months) The desktop does not have to be the same as your usual desktop. For example, the version with XFCE (fast and robust) is well suited.
What you could do this way:
* Boot into a Manjaro without changing the internal HDD or SSD
* If possible, make an additional backup of certain “latest” data
* Determine the real problem using guidance from the wiki/forum
* Fix the problem using instructions from the wiki/forum
* Roll back
* Perform a reinstallation
* Import your backups
Als rolling release wird die Software von manjaro regelmäßig erneuert. Dazu braucht man genug Platz im Dateisystem, und eine Möglichkeit zum rollback falls was katastrophal schiefgeht.
Als rolling release wird die Software von manjaro regelmäßig erneuert. Dazu braucht man genug Platz im Dateisystem, und eine Möglichkeit zum rollback falls was katastrophal schiefgeht.
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