File Systems

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This page provides information on some of the file systems commonly used in Manjaro. It also shows where and how they are used. Further information on these and other file systems can be found in the ARCH Wiki

Page under construction

A file system manages the space on a storage medium (hard disk, SSD ...). It makes this memory available to the operating system so that files can be saved and read again. Each of the following file systems has advantages and disadvantages. They are mostly developed for a special purpose and are therefore used in a certain environment.


File systems that are mostly used under linux.

Be aware that a lot of filesystem-drivers are included into the Linux kernel. You may not need anything special to mount, read or write these filesystems. But there are packages with additional tools. You may need them to format, check, repair, modify or tune such filesystems.

Ext2 → Ext3 → Ext4

Ext4 is the default file system in Manjaro at the moment. It is the evolution of the most used Linux filesystems (Ext3, Ext2) and promises improved design, better performance, reliability, and features over its predecessors.

see Ext4@ARCH-wiki, Ext4@wikipedia


In manjaro e2fsprogs is already installed


For advanced optimizations see the Archwiki Ext4 article.


A modern file system with a lot of advanced features. Its main advantage it to be a Copy-On-Write-filesystem

see, Btrfs@ARC-wiki, Btrfs@wikipedia


pamac install btrfs-progs

reiserfs → reiser4

This was used some time ago in a few linux distros. You may need it if you move to manjaro and have to read data from such harddisks.

see Reiser4@ARCH-wiki, ReiserFS@wikipedia, Reiser4@wikipedia


pamac install reiserfsprogs reiser4progs


File systems mostly used in windows


This today is used by most windows installs

see NTFS@ARCH-wiki, NTFS@wikipedia


pamac install ntfs-3g


File systems under DOS and early windows on a lot of floppydisks and USB-sticks


You may find this filesystem on disks created under DOS or Windows9x. It is sometimes used to transport files from one operating system to another.

see FAT@ARCH-wiki, FAT@wikipedia


pamac install dosfstools


Microsoft created the exFAT (Extended File Alocation Table) to make up for the inadequacies of FAT32, as it can hold large files, large numbers of files & use very large partitions. Supported on Linux, Windows, MacOS and many other devices, it is one of the most compatible filesystems. A good choice when you need to share a removable device between many systems.

see ExFAT@wikipedia

exFAT FS does not use journaling. Data on such a filesystem is vulnerable to irreparable corruption due to improper ejection or power outage.


pamac install exfatprogs


Filesystems mostly used in macOs


see HFSPlus@wikipedia


pamac install hfsprogs (AUR)



see XFS@ARCH-wiki


see ZFS@ARCH-wiki


Possible usage of Filesystems
Filesystem manjaro Win10 OsX Win9x, DOS
ext2 ▷ ExtFS
ext3/4 ▷ ExtFS ?
btrfs ● btrfs-progs ▷ ExtFS, WinBtrfs - -
reiser3 ● reiser4progs ▷ RFSTool ? -
reiser4 ● reiserfs ? ? -
NTFS ○ntfs-3g ?
FAT ● dosfstools
exFAT ● exfatprogs ? ?
HFS ○ hfsprogs (AUR) ?
XFS ? ▷ ExtFS ?
ZFS ? ? ?
■ = fully supported
● = fully supported, additional tools to install
○ = partially supported
▷ = possible via external tools
? = feel free to extend ;-)
Some important properties
Properties ext2 ext3 ext4 btrfs reiserfs XFS
journaling - ● ordered ● ordered ▶ 2.6
barriers - ?
checksum - - ◎ metadata ● full ?
kompression - - - ●, zstd ▶4.14/5.1 -
encryption - - ▶ 4.13 -
snapshots - - - -
TRIM possible - - ▶ 2.6.33 ▶ 4.3
xattr, ACL ? ACL ACL ACL
small repair ● fsck ● auto reiserfsck
journal repair ● fsck ● auto 3.2
repair after power loss ● tune2fs, fsck ● auto/scrub
since 1993 2001 2008 2009 2001

See also

Wikipedia:Comparison of file systems
Archwiki:File Systems