Difference between revisions of "CheatSheet"

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Build the package{{UserCmd|command=pamac build PackageName}}
Build the package{{UserCmd|command=pamac build PackageName}}

=== Your sub title ===
=== Access rights ===
Executes command as root {{UserCmd|command=sudo [command]}}
Empties password cache {{UserCmd|command=sudo -k}}
Edits /etc/sudoers {{UserCmd|command=sudo visudo}}
Changes user password {{UserCmd|command=passwd}}
Changes owner and group of file {{UserCmd|command=chown [owner]:[group] -c [file]}}
Changes the file permissions {{UserCmd|command=chmod [permissions] -c [file]}}
Set permissions in octal mode: 4(read) 2(write) 1(execute)
Example: 755 read-write-execute for owner and read-execute for group and others
Displays files and permissions [of directory]{{UserCmd|command=ls -lh [dir]}}
=== Your sub title ===
=== Your sub title ===
=== Your sub title ===
=== Your sub title ===
