关于 Manjaro
"Manjaro"是一个基于独立开发的Arch Linux对用户友好的Linux发行版。Arch本身以突出的运行速度、强大功能和轻量体积而闻名,且提供非常及时的先进——而且前沿的——软件。然而,Arch也面向更有经验的或技术性的用户。因此,它通常被看作是缺少专业知识或毅力然而需要使用的用户所难以企及的。
开发于澳大利亚、法国和德国的Manjaro在提供Arch Linux的所有好处同时也结合了对“用户友好”和“可用性”的聚焦。Manjaro紧随Arch Linux且仅提供64位版本。Manjaro对于新手和经验丰富的Linux用户都很合适。“对于新手”,有一个用户友好的软件安装器,而且系统本身也被设计成为完全“开箱即用”——包含其中的功能与特性。
- 预装桌面环境
- 预装 图形软件管理器 更容易安装软件和更新你的系统
- 预装解码器播放多媒体文件
For more experienced - and adventurous - users Manjaro also offers the configurability and versatility to be shaped and moulded in every respect to suit personal taste and preference. Manjaro Architect is both a CLI installer, available side by side with the graphics installer and a CLI based ISO giving the option to install any Manjaro flavours and offers unflavoured DE installation, filesystem choices and bootloader choice for those who want complete freedom to shape their system; starting from a command line, you are completely free to chose your own greeters, desktops, hardware drivers, software applications, and so on!
- Speed, power, and efficiency
- Access to the very latest cutting and bleeding edge software
- A 'rolling release' development model that provides the most up-to-date system possible without the need to install new versions, and
- Access to the Arch User Repository (AUR).
However, Manjaro boasts a few extra features of its own, including:
- A simplifed, user-friendly installation process
- Automatic detection of your computer's hardware (e.g. graphics cards)
- Automatic installation of the necessary software (e.g. graphics drivers) for your system
- Its own dedicated software repositories to ensure delivery of fully tested and stable software packages, and
- Support for the easy installation and use of multiple kernels.
The latest stable and community releases are available from Manjaro
Official announcements can be viewed at Manjaro News.
The latest test-builds of Manjaro are available from OSDN
Recommended rather than minimum system requirements have been provided in order to ensure that you get the most out of your Manjaro system. Although many distributions will list the bare minimum specifications necessary to run, it wouldn't be a particularly fun or useful experience to actually use them! As such, it is recommended to have at least:
- 1 GB 内存
- 30 GB 的硬盘空间
- 至少一个 1 Ghz 处理器
- 至少一块 HD 显卡和显示器
- 可以链接到互联网