Page translation

Pages with pending changes

These pages have changes not marked for translation.

  1. ALSA (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  2. Amlogic TV boxes (no transclusion support)
  3. Btrfs
  4. Burn an ISO File (no transclusion support)
  5. Change to a Different Download Server (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  6. Check a Downloaded ISO Image For Errors (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  7. ClamAV (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  8. Downgrading packages (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  9. File Systems (no transclusion support)
  10. Firejail (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  11. GRUB/Restore the GRUB Bootloader (no transclusion support)
  12. Manjaro Kernels
  13. Manjaro Mirrors (no transclusion support)
  14. Mozilla Firefox (no transclusion support)
  15. Pacman Overview
  16. Pacman troubleshooting (no transclusion support)
  17. Preserve Manjaro Bootloader (no transclusion support)
  18. Using Manjaro for Beginners
  19. Viewing and editing configuration files (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  20. Manjaro:A Different Kind of Beast (no transclusion support)

Pages in translation

The latest version of these pages have been marked for translation.

  1. "What should I be aware of if I'm not on an LTS kernel?"
  2. About Manjaro (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  3. Add a Storage Partition & Modify your System to Suit (no transclusion support)
  4. Aliases in .bashrc (no transclusion support)
  5. Alternative way to install ManjaroISO (no transclusion support)
  6. Arch User Repository
  7. Audio Players (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  8. Avidemux - Cutting out sections of video (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  9. Awesome Community Edition (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  10. BIOS and UEFI (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  11. Basic Submission Rules (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  12. Basic Tips for conky (no transclusion support)
  13. Block Lists for Deluge & qBittorrent (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  14. Bmpanel2 (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  15. Budgie (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  16. Build Manjaro ISOs with buildiso (no transclusion support)
  17. Buildiso with AUR packages: Using buildpkg (no transclusion support)
  18. CheatSheet
  19. Configure Graphics Cards
  20. Configure NVIDIA (non-free) settings and load them on Startup (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  21. Contributing (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  22. Create Manjaro Packages (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  23. DMenu (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  24. Deepin (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  25. Desktop Environments and Window Managers (no transclusion support)
  26. Developer Tools (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  27. Did X.server recognise your monitor correctly?
  28. Display Managers / Login Screens (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  29. Displaymanager / Loginmanager (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  30. Dolphin (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  31. Download Manjaro (no transclusion support)
  32. Enable Touchpad Horizontal and Vertical Scrolling (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  33. Encfs (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  34. Firewalls (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  35. Firewalls and Security (no transclusion support)
  36. Flatpak (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  37. Forum Rules
  38. Fstab (no transclusion support)
  39. Fstab - Use SystemD automount (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  40. GNOME (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  41. Graphical Software Managers (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  42. How-to verify GPG key of official .ISO images (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  43. How to mount Windows (NTFS) filesystem due to hibernation
  44. Important hidden .dot files in your home partition (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  45. Improve Font Rendering (no transclusion support)
  46. Install Desktop Environments
  47. Install Display Managers (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  48. Installation Guides (no transclusion support)
  49. Installation with Manjaro Architect
  50. Internet Browsers (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  51. KDE (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  52. Kernel Fails to Load (pata acpi error) (no transclusion support)
  53. Keyboard Shortcuts (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  54. Keyboard and Mouse Sharing (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  55. Krusader (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  56. Kvantum (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  57. LXDM Configuration (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  58. LXQt (no transclusion support)
  59. LXQt with kwin (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  60. Limit the size of .log files & the journal
  61. Linux Security
  62. List of Qt Applications (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  63. Locale (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  64. Main Page (no transclusion support)
  65. Make GRUB menu & boot-up/down fonts bigger
  66. Makepkg (no transclusion support)
  67. Manjaro (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  68. Manjaro-ARM (no transclusion support)
  69. Manjaro-tools (no transclusion support)
  70. ManjaroISO (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  71. Manjaro FAQ (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  72. Manjaro Forums (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  73. Manjaro Hardware Detection (no transclusion support)
  74. Manjaro Hardware Detection Overview (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  75. Manjaro IRC (no transclusion support)
  76. Manjaro Online (no transclusion support)
  77. Manjaro Packaging Standards (no transclusion support)
  78. Manjaro Polkit Rules (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  79. Manjaro Settings Manager (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  80. Mounting disk images (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  81. Mplayer (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  82. Networking (no transclusion support)
  83. Octopi (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  84. Openbox (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  85. PCmanFM-Qt (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  86. PKGBUILD (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  87. Pacman (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  88. Pacman-mirrors
  89. Page Translation (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  90. Pamac
  91. Partitioning Overview and Existing Partition Tables (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  92. Plymouth (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  93. Power Management (no transclusion support)
  94. Printing
  95. Proper ~/.xinitrc File (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  96. Reactivating the Backlight (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  97. Repositories and Servers (no transclusion support)
  98. Set all Java apps to use GTK+ font & theme settings
  99. Set all Qt app's to use GTK+ font & theme settings (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  100. Setup Kmail & Davmail to connect to an Exchange server (no transclusion support)
  101. Sharing files with Python (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  102. Snap (no transclusion support)
  103. Software Applications (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  104. Some basics of MBR v/s GPT and BIOS v/s UEFI (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  105. Spotify (no transclusion support)
  106. Swap
  107. Switching Branches (no transclusion support)
  108. Sync dynamic IP with openDNS service via ddclient (no transclusion support)
  109. System Maintenance (no transclusion support)
  110. Systemd-boot (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  111. TeamViewer (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  112. The Rolling Release Development Model (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  113. UEFI - Install Guide
  114. Undervolt intel CPU (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  115. Using Compton for a tear-free experience in Xfce
  116. Using Manjaro for Windows users
  117. Using Samba in your File Manager (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  118. Using autofs (automount) with NFS
  119. VCS PKGBUILD Guidelines (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  120. VMware
  121. Various screen tearing fixes (no transclusion support)
  122. Virt-manager
  123. VirtualBox (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  124. Vivaldi Browser (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  125. Wacom Tablet And Pen (no transclusion support)
  126. Western Digital Green - Drive Fix - Linux (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  127. Wiki tweak page (old syntax | no transclusion support)
  128. Worker - An Introduction (no transclusion support)