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虽然 Manjaro 是基于 Arch 开发,并且可以兼容 Arch,可是,它并不是 Arch。严格来讲,Manjaro 绝不仅是某个易于安装或已预先配置的 Arch 版本,而更是一只特立独行的“猛兽”。

事实上,Manjaro 与 Arch 的差异,要远远大于流行的 Ubuntu 发行版与 Ubuntu 的许多其他的衍生发行版之间的差异,这也包括 Mint 和 Zorin 在内。为了更清楚的了解 Manjaro,简单概括了它的一些主要特点。

  • Manjaro 是基于 Arch 独立开发的,由完全不同的团队制作。
  • Manjaro 是为新手简易设计的,而 Arch 面向的则是更熟练的老用户。
  • Manjaro 从独有的仓库中获取软件,这些仓库里也包含着 Arch 所未提供的软件包。
  • Manjaro 提供其发行的特定工具,例如 Manjaro 硬件检测(mhwd)和 Manjaro 设置管理器(msm)。
  • Manjaro 与 Arch 相比,在操作方式上有许多细微的差异。


Manjaro kernel management

It is important to know the kernel definitions. The Linux kernel project uses three definitions
  1. Mainline (Development)
  2. Stable (Mainline which have passed rc6/rc7)
  3. Long Term Support (LTS)

The Linux Kernel project (

When reading Manjaro documentation either on this Wiki or the forum you will often see an expresseion such as lastest stable or latests LTS and those is the terms used the by upstream project.

A stable kernel is NOT LTS - a subtle but very important difference.

When a Manjaro ISO is released it contains the latest Long Time (LTS) as defined by upstream kernel project. This practise makes it possible to install Manjaro and keep it running using the LTS kernel - if not for ever - then for a very long time.

The latest and greates hardware may have poor or non existing support using the LTS kernel. Such hardware will require you to use what is referenced as the stable kernel.

The stable kernel goes End Of Life (EOL) when the next mainline becomes stable which happens roughly every 2 months. If you are using the stable kernel - not LTS - you will have to ensure you are syncing the next stable kernel.

If you fail to do so you will get various driver issues - most prominently Nvidia drivers - when the EOL kernel is removed from the repo. Such issues is not a Manjaro fault but a fault of the system admin who neglected proper system maintenance.


Manjaro 使用独立软件仓库的一个重要好处是开发者将为您实施关键更新,因此您无需手动干预。

为了确保持续的稳定性和可靠性,Manjaro 使用自己的专用软件存储库。除了社区维护的 Arch 用户存储库 (AUR),Manjaro 系统不访问官方的 Arch 存储库。

Manjaro 软件包仓库


Stable branch is snapped from testing approximately two weeks after the sync from Arch stable repositories. 稳定分支上的包是 Manjaro 系统使用的默认存储库,用于为一般用户群提供更新和下载。


Testing branch is snapped from unstable at irregular intervals - but usually shortly after the syncronization from Arch stable. This branch is used as a testing area for packages build by Manjaro developers such as kernels, kernel modules, nvidia graphics, software patches, Manjaro inhouse applications. The package may be subject to further checks by developers and testers for potential bugs and/or stability issues, prior to being released to the stable branch. Testing branch is for the knowledgeable user looking for a way to contribute to keep Manjaro running at it's best.


Unstable branch is synced several times daily from Arch stable and the packages from Arch repo is generally considered stable as they have been vetted by the Archlinux QA and the Archlinux community. Manjaro maintainers build kernels, kernel modules and nvidia graphic drivers from kernel source. This branch is also the entry point for Manjaro's inhouse applications. The latest available versions of software will be located here and using the unstable branch may cause issues on your system but you are proficient, motivated and have no problem solving minor isssues on your own.

没有 Arch 激进(bleeding edge)

适应这个测试过程的结果是 Manjaro 永远不会像 Arch 那样激进。一个软件可能会在几天、几周甚至几个月后发布到稳定的存储库;但是,希望访问最新版本的用户仍然可以通过切换到测试不稳定分支来访问。这样做将证明您知识渊博并且是 Manjaro Linux 高级用户。


Manjaro 与 Arch 和其他基于 Arch 的发行版不同的另一个特点是它专注于简化一般系统维护的工具。这不仅仅局限于提供简单的图形安装程序和预配置桌面环境的范围。 Manjaro 还提供一系列由 Manjaro 团队独家开发的强大工具。

Manjaro 硬件检测

Manjaro 内核检测

Manjaro 设置管理器

Pamac 软件包管理器
